First Kiss

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Luke: The first kiss with Luke would be after a bit of dating. 

When you first got together, you told him how much you enjoyed his lip ring. That was two weeks ago and you were about to go on your fifth date at his place. The entire way there, all you could think about was how unfair you had been to him. You were going to kiss him on the second date, but he had shown up without his lip ring. He explained that it fell out when he was drunk and that he hadn't replaced it fast enough so it was now closed. You joked with him and said you could never kiss him without him, and he chuckled and said, "Yeah right, like you're going to not kiss me just because I don't have a lip ring anymore." You had always been stubborn and it was hard for you to back down when someone said you couldn't or wouldn't do something. So that's exactly what you did.

When he tried to kiss you when he dropped you off, you turned your head away so his lips landed on your cheek. You finally faced him and he looked astonished. "You're really not kissing me?!"

"Nope. I told you." You smirked and then left without another word. When you got upstairs, you started thinking through the whole thing and convinced yourself that he would never call you again after what you just pulled. To your delight, he texted you that night and was a good sport about it.

This became a competition between you two about who would give in first. When you tried to joke about it with him earlier that day, he seemed annoyed as he was giving short answers. You worried that he was growing tired of you, and you decided that it was time to give in and let him win this one.

After knocking on the door, Luke yelled for you to come in. You took off your shoes and proceeded down the short hall into the dining room. His back was to you, and you prepared to bite the bullet and admit you were giving up; however, you stopped in your tracks when he turned around and you spotted a small black hoop wrapped around his lower lip. A smile broke out across your face. "What's that?"

"I decided it was time to end this game." Without another word, he walked up to you and held your cheeks as he pressed his lips to yours. The kiss felt needy and hungry, as if he couldn't wait even a second more to be completely pressed against you in every way possible.

After a few minutes, the two of you pulled away breathless. "You don't care that you lost?"

He smirked and said, "I didn't lose. I could never lose when the result is getting to kiss you."

Calum: The first time you kissed Calum would be steamy af.

You guys were friends for a few years, and you had always thought that he was incredibly attractive (because duh). It wasn't out of the ordinary for you guys to hang out alone into the early morning just watching a movie or talking about random things.

Tonight, you two decided to watch movies. You were about half an hour into your second movie, and you weren't a fan of sitting on the couch anymore. When you expressed this to Calum he casually said, "So let's lay down." You froze because you hadn't expected him to say that.

"Yeah, we could do that." He laid down and pressed himself into the back of the couch to allow you room in front of him. He placed a pillow over his bicep for you to lay your head on. Once you did, his hand laid on your hip and the heat from it radiated into your skin. "Is this okay? Can you see?"

His voice was quiet as he said, "Yeah, this is great."

Your mind raced with all the possibilities that this position could bring about, but you quickly shut them down as you told yourself they were unrealistic. Calum was your best friend and if something like that were going to happen, it probably would have by now. Despite this logic, you couldn't help but marvel at the possibilities and wonder what it would feel like to have his tongue on your skin.

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