Chapter 3-C: Kaoru's Confession

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The sun drapes its beautiful golden rays over the potted agave, yucca, and skyline this morning. I stare at the bright yellow full moon as it sets, thinking about Tomoe. I then stare into my rice bowl, thinking about Kaoru. She didn't deserve Arisa getting nasty with her like that. Himari slumps in her chair, rubs her eyes, and tiredly groans. She was up all night watching One Page Love and My Hero Academia. Moca springs up after resting on the table.

Tomoe's Facetiming me I wonder how she's been?

"Hey bestie! How's the US? Get your second cousin anything for your visit? And Ako's birthday's coming up."

Ako cutely squints. "Oooooh I can't wait!"

They pay for a selfie with Spiderman then walk into a coffee shop.

Tomoe continues, "Someone behind us was called ahead at the last place so we just left. Mom already left a negative Yelp review."

After getting their coffee the barista says, "How are you speaking English so well?"

Ako's cheeks puff then hangs a lampshade on a light then she tells me, "Hey those jokes are mine." Then she smiles and asks her, "How do you speak English so well?"

Tomoe laughs like a little kid said something. "I try. Hey I'm in a band and our keyboardist is a barista."

Moca tells me, "She's not Mugirific like our Mugi."

They get their ice blendeds and walk outside. Gorgeous trees line the streets and it's almost night there.

Ako's eyes widen as they walk down the street. "Dad, dad! Can we get Bojack Horseman stuff?"

"Sure my little princess. Then we can stop by an In-N-Out."

Tomoe's cousin tells him, "But uncle they're terrible and donate to awful politicians. Not to mention they have random Bible quotes on their wrappers. One even said trust the lord and not to trust your own understanding. Like why would I trust some dead sexist homophobes from the bronze age over my own understanding?"

Tomoe has the best cousin ever. It's creepy as heck sneaking bible quotes on cups and wrappers like that. 

I say, "I gotta go. I promised a friend I'd talk to them."

Moca yells, "And Tommy's is better."

I close out of Facetime.

Himari looks worried and gasp nervously. "Y-y-you don't think she'll move to the US, do you?"

Himari would be totally devastated if Tomoe moved and broke up Afterglow. And she'd devastate me too for that matter.

"She's just visiting family. She would've told us if she were right?"

Moca's nose twitches as she smiles. "Probably not."

I tell her, "Moca! You can't be serious. She can't move she just can't. Please tell me you're joking? I know she'd tell us."

Moca leans back in her chair, slowly sipping her matcha. "Moca's just kidding."

Phew. "What do you think we should get Kaoru?"

Himari happily gasp and leaps up. "Oooo this is gonna be so fun!" Her voice gets singy. "We're going shopping. It'll be an adventure you guys."

Himari smiles, "Wonder what Tomoe's seeing over there."

Moca looks up then crosses her arms lowering her eyelids. "Hmm, come to think of it I have work today. And Lisa is too so you can't shop with her either."

Himari's shoulders slump forward. "Aww I thought we'd all have fun."

"Cheer up, maybe you can stop by and visit me?"

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