Chapter 1: So My Day Begins

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Hmm, do I really have to wake up now? Mom wants to know why I don't use one of my band's songs for my alarm but really? Watching or hearing yourself is one of the cringiest things ever.

I wave hi to Tomoe after getting ready for school.

I tell her, "Ugh you wouldn't believe how late I was up all night so sorry if I'm cranky. I kinda feel bad for leaving Himari on open last night. Just all this band practice and homework is killing me."

"Hey. Yeah I didn't get much sleep either."

Tomoe's pretty cool but like me and even if she's sarcastic I can tell she cares about me. Her little sister Ako looks up to her so much and thinks Tomoe's the coolest person ever and yeah she is. Gosh I feel so bad for her, Yukina senpai and Sayo are serious tryhards. Yukina and Sayo are besties who take their music so seriously they take the fun out of it.

"How many times do we have to tell Moca not to sleep standing up! Especially by herself." Tomoe says.

I tell her, "Ugh tell me about it. Well she is our friend."

I whisper slightly nudging Moca's sleeve, "Moca." I whisper louder, "Moca!" She slowly blinks and says. "Oh, hi guys."

Tomoe tells her, "Moca, hon, you know you shouldn't stand here by yourself, it could be dangerous."

Who's that weird man smirking in a navy sportcoat and chinos staring at? We better be careful he's leering so creepy.

I whisper to Tomoe, "Should we cross?"

"We don't have an opening and I don't think I could afford a jaywalking ticket. We should link arms." I turn my body away from him and looking far away too so away from him on purpose I hope the creep can take a hint. Like I get everyone looks at us but he is just shamelessly creepy. Don't catcall us, don't catcall us. Oh good Moca's recording, I hope.

The white American Ed Sheeran looking man smirks at us like we're meat and I yell at him, "We're not your exotic little dolls, so go away!" His head goes back blinking a couple of times, looking left and right and walking faster away from us. Good, we're too young for you anyway. Like why me? Why us? Doesn't he know people hate feeling so uncomfortable and judged?

I whisper to Tomoe and Moca, "Ugh can you believe that guy?"

Tomoe smiles. "That's our Ran. If it ever turned ugly they'd have to arrest what's left of him after I got done. "

Tomoe makes me feel so warm inside. I tell her, "I bet they really would too. You're a tough bish and anyone would be lucky to be your friend or sister."

I offer Moca a bitter chocolate and tell my besties, "Aya told me someone stopped her in the street and I thought oh are you okay but then she said it was a fan and no one stopped her in the street before. Considering how many people walk around here she's unbelievably lucky. Then she said she wants to wear a disguise to throw off the razzi. I'm like sure me and Tomoe can help."

Tomoe warmly laughs smiles then enthusiastically says, "Sounds like a fun project. Count me in."

Moca then tells us, "Anyone want to do a cover of Blonde by Waterparks? Awsten Knight's Moca's bias you know."

"I like them too but I don't think I have the right voice to do a cover."

I wave to Tsugumi and she runs over to us and we say hi.

Tsugu looks away touching her fingers and says in a pouty voice, "So many people hate us for being political and stuff."

Me and Tomoe laugh and Tomoe says, "I'm not surprised. If certain people hate our stuff for certain reasons then oh well. Adults don't like being called out for not getting us. They tell you that your problems aren't real."

Mugi then says, "Yeah! They act like they know everything but they obviously don't. Sometimes you just want to talk but instead of people listening they'll argue with you instead. It's like we have our band, homework, and so many other responsibilities so get off our backs."

Oh big freaking mood!

I add, "I'm so tired of justifying myself to people. We don't play for our haters or to kiss anyone's butt."

Wow poor Moca's tired. I'm going to fall asleep in class today aren't I? We have that festival coming up so we really need to practice.

I wave my hand in front of Moca's eyes. "Earth to Moca we're almost at school."

Moca blinks and says, "Sorry. Moca's trying to dream of bread again."

We stop since we don't want to get ticketed for jaywalking. We're almost there

We see Yukina and Sayo across the street.

I whisper to Tomoe, "It's Yukina and Sayo. Wonder what they're doing for the festival?"

Himari tells me, "You should probably text them, maybe we can all work together!"

"That'd be cool but you know them. Oh you're singing off key! Oh that's not good enough."

Tomoe shakes her head then says, "Still, it's a shame how competitive they get. I believe in a community of music. And Ako tells me they say she's talented and she just loves their praise but like she's also afraid of disappointing them."

You know what I just thought of something. "Ugh, they want us to sing about student life."

I suddenly feel a surge of inspiration. "Then again no one said anything about it needing to be happy. We just need to say how much being a teen sucks, and demolish the lie of how great it is to be young." 

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