Chapter 1-B: Tomoe's Drumset Broke!

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New arcs will be marked with a letter from now on. 

I'm sitting in Tomoe's living room and Ako looks happy. She runs to me and Tomoe.

"Hi sis hi Ran! Oooh there's this really cool game I want to show you! Ever hear of Overkill?"

"Alright, we can play Overkill."

The game loads and I go into the practice range and oh my gosh is that a gorilla? I select the gorilla.

I leap with him and, wait why can't I headshot with him? Aww he's so funny too.

We try other characters and I smile at Tomoe, "out of like 30 characters isn't it funny how many of them are over 40?"

"And somehow all right handed too."

"Can I pretend the hamster's left handed?"

"But Ran you're right handed."

I practice on the hamster and I feel like such a tetherball this has so much potential to be fun.

Ako takes my place since she wants to us her playing. She picks a really really tall woman dressed like a cyberpunk sorceress Ako's right she does look really cool. Ako does that thing where she pretends to be evil by narrowing her eyes and putting her hand over her mouth. "Heh he heh, by the power of the gods of darkness Evilrella shall keep her team at full health!"

Yeah, I'm gonna disable chat it's really inappropriate.

"Ran! Their toxicity could inspire one of our songs?"

"Oh yeah."

The archer on her team looks so gross. I ask Ako who he is and she sighs. "That's Handsoapy. He's like never second best and I'm like well for you it would be since 28th best would be too hard for you too." Her voice flattens. "I can't stand him."

Tomoe asks, "Will you kill him off in one of your stories?"

"You know I usually have a policy where I don't kill off canon characters but I hate him so much I'm so going to. Handsoapy is such a conceited gross jerk and they never switch whenever it isn't working out. Oh and he tried killing his brother," Ako's voice gets cheerier, "who's actually sooooo cool!"

Tomoe says, "Of the 30 characters this game has why does one of the characters from Japan have to be a conceited buttface?"

I say, "Hey at least the cyborg ninja makes up for him."

"Victory!" A feminine robot voice announces.

Ako hops off her chair and enthusiastically yells, "Woo hoo!" Is she playing invisible drums?

Sunlight peeps through the blinds, a slight breeze caresses the potted clustering lady palm and potted miniature date palm on one of her shelves. We sit in the living room for tea. I like white or green personally, especially matcha.

Ako tells us, "You wouldn't believe how bad some of the maps are. It's like one mode attack gets so many chances but defense spawns really close to the point so either way it's not fun. But we got a good map so we won!"

Me and Tomoe say, "Hi Rinko!" She was on Zapper the whole time and we heard Ako and Rinko talking to each other on voice chat.

I ask her, "Say what's that other game you and Rinko play? You know the one like Minecraft because it has money and trading in it

Tomoe asks Ako, "Does your band have practice? Because we're scheduled and we can walk to Circle together."

"Mmm hmm."

"So about my Overkill fic, should I add time travel? I'm afraid it'll solve too much like what's to stop anyone from going back in time and ruining stuff or the good guys solving everything too easy?"

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