Chapter 2-D: The Halloween Party

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Me and Moca sit are at Tsugu's coffee shop after school. A warm breeze flows through a silk floss and the courtyard, and small chattering fills the patio. 

Moca looked like she was sleeping but she sits up smiles and ask, "Do you like Moca's demon pilgrim?"

I tell her, "I like it. The jacket overwhelms your frame but it works for your costume. Kasumi got the party playlist ready and Maya helped set up the speakers. I'm just worried about Hagumi. She's literally ghosting us all the time lately."

Moca taps her chin, "How will Tomo chin stay cool in her costume."

"Well it will be warm later."

I check IG and Hina updated with her babyshark costume while Eve is Rey from Star Wars. Still nothing on Himari. She's not updating as much. Last I checked she was saying how sore her feet were and how it means she's been working really hard. Yeah, working really hard away from band practice. Like what are we supposed to do without our bassist? Anyone else just wouldn't feel the same.


We arrive at Arisa's for the Halloween party. Moca's wearing red facepaint with fangs, pilgrim hat, cross necklace, and magenta fishnets with combat boots. Tomoe is wearing a werewolf outfit with knight boots gloves and chestpiece. I helped her by the way and she helped me with my wig. I got fingertip length shorts, blue polish on one hand and pink on the other, and blue eyeshadow on my right eye and pink on my left and coral glossy lipstick with thick white foundation since she's a clown.

Me Moca and Tomoe help Kasumi and Arisa decorate the living room. We put up scary demon masks and spider webs. We leave the bonsais alone. Dad and grandma tried taking my mind off Himari by talking about uncle's movie but I just can't.

Yay Himari's here! I'm gonna see what's bothering her.

"Hey Himari."

"Oh...hi Ran. I'm sorry I haven't been at practice. I have...other obligations."

She sounds kind of nervous. I hope she's not doing anything bad. Especially because of the rumors that'll start.

We sit together and she tells me, "I really like armor detailing on Tomoe's werewolf. She's so cool yet so scary."

Rinko and Ako arrive and Ako blinks and yells, "Woah! cool!" She squints and excitedly runs forward. "Hey Ran did you have candy?"

"I don't really like candy. It's kind of babyish."

Ako looks at the snacktable and then tells me, "Your costume's amazing. Sis helped you didn't she?"

"You were there when she started."

Ako giggles scratching the back of her neck, "he he he he, oh yeah."

I ask, "So how's your story?"

She sighs slumps and says in a depressed voice, "I have to do so much so I had to rush to upload it."

"Bushido! Hiya!" Aaah! Whew it's just Eve. We all laugh as she hits all the evil people with her plastic lightsaber.

Moca dramatically plays dead, "You got me."

I run away laughing, "Eve no!"

"Harley Quinn you're evil so I shall slay you!"

Oooh Arisa's standing close to Kasumi while Kasumi gets snacks so I run around them so Arisa doesn't secretly hate me.

"I give up!"

Eve then smiles, "I must now return to the Sith's galaxy so I can stop them from taking the Jedi galaxy."

I ask, "Eve you're such a fun friend. Have you heard anything about Himari?"

She taps her chin. "Hmm, I do know she signed up for another club. That's all I know I swear."

A few hot guys come in and Himari walks over to one. She looks really happy to see them. Oh I get it she has a boyfriend and is too shy to tell me.

I can feel my stomach getting fluttery. "Hey Himari."

"Hey Ran. Isn't Himari just the best?"

I tell him, "She's a great friend." I can't just say the best because it'd hurt Tomoe and everyone else's feelings and they're all great.

The one with a Grizzly from We Bare Bears costume says, "You know that club..."

Himari's hands move back as her eyebrows narrow staring up at him.

He leans back and his friend says, "Not in front of her band."

Grizzly says, "Sorry."

I tilt my head up at him and ask, "Don't tell me what?"

The hot guy with the gorgeous eyes dressed like the Joker from the Joker movie says, "Oh, nothing."

I don't get it why can she tell them but not me?

"I know you know something so tell me."

His eyes shift but I stare into his eyes harder.

Joker tells me, "So how about that Joker movie?"

I tell him, "I know right and he's supposed to be a villain? At least it didn't waste so much time on exposition like Suicide Squad."

Himari interrupts, "Ran!" and whispers, "You never know who didn't see it."

I scratch the back of my head and nervously laugh, "Oh, right ha ha, people care about that kind of thing."

I hear Kasumi humming over Hey Day Capriccio. Hey I sung that but honestly I hate hearing myself sing but Kasumi talked me into it. Why did I let her?

I look back and Arisa slowly walks past Kasumi and her skirt's hemline brushes Kasumi.

Arisa says to her in a sweet voice, "Hi."

Kasumi tells her, "Hi."

Moca gently elbows me and narrows her eyes in that I'm gonna tease you way. "Ran. Remember when you were Garnet from Jewelpets when you were 7?" Aww that was so fun! But I'm a cool girl now and not the stupid Gone Girl kind but the real kind.

I look away crossing my arms from Moca. "No."

Ugh she doesn't believe me. "I know you do. You told me my Sapphie costume was so cute."

Her eyes narrow. "Admit it or I'll show everyone on your dad or Himari's mom's Facebook."

Ugh. I say in a quiet voice. "Yeah we were pretty cute as Jewelpets."

A girl dressed like Elsa eagerly rushes up to Himari. "Hey it's you! Can you do the splits?"

Himari slowly backs away and nervously giggles, "Splits? Oh, no not now."

Hmm, why is she begging Himari to do the splits?

Himari runs away from her. She's been hiding something I just know it.

"Aaah!" Oh it's just Tomoe ahaha. "Wow that's a scary costume you startled me."

Tomoe says, "Thanks. I'm worried about Himari too." 

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