Chapter 3: Why Me?

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Me and Tomoe are at the track for gym class and there's Kaoru again.

Tomoe tells me, "It's amazing how Japan isn't cool with PDA yet no one seems to mind how affectionate Kaoru is."

"I just hope Kanon will be okay for gym. It's almost as pointless as releasing clean versions of songs when literally no one listens to them."

"Yeah, censorship's pretty stupid. Like remember the whole YouTube deal with wanting to be more kid friendly?"

I tell Tomoe, "Ugh, tell me about it. Remember when we used to sneak on music and channels on purpose?"

Tomoe smiles, "Ahh, yeah, where they can say the swear versions of crap and frigging."

"It's just us girls here."

"Huh, you're right."

A whistle blows. "Alright girls gymclass has started."

I feel the gentle breeze flowing through my hair as me and Tomoe lead the other girls. I just hope I have enough energy to sing later. Even when I'm in school there are times when I just want to nap. Heck, there are times when I actually do nap. Will people think I'm lazy? Oh gosh everyone thinks I'm lazy! I never judge when I see other girls napping but not everyone's like me so..."

WHAT!? Please tell me that rip isn't...

I look behind me and Tomoe stands there. She whispers, "I'll stand here, though those girls are laughing at you."

I feel my pulse racing and my face and neck getting super hot. An uncomfortable tingling spreads from my solar plexus through my ribs and I hate it so much. I have never been so embarrassed in my entire life!

I run to my locker covering the hole in my shorts with one hand.

"Don't worry Ran, I'm sure everyone will forget."

Are you kidding they probably got pics and will post them everywhere! Oh gosh why can't I even speak?

Tomoe pats my shoulder. "I never knew you would wear pink with hearts and Hello Kittys."

I look up into her eyes and she says. "Sorry, that was insensitive of me."

After gym I meet Himari by my locker.

"Hi Ran!"

"Hey Himari."

"Is something wrong?" She tilts her head looking at me like she won't leave until she gets an answer.

I drop my books and oh gosh please don't let Himari see...oh crap she does.

Himari's eyes beam with an oh my gosh I know this about you look.

"Ran! I didn't know you liked this manga! Ooooooohhhh I'm telling everyone you like this!"

"Please don't."

That is so unlike her! Wait, has she been jealous of me this entire time and was just waiting to take my spot as band leader? Oh how can I think that about Himari.


Me and Tomoe meet Misaki on the way to the studio.

Misaki looks into my eyes, trying her hardest to keep her I know smile. "So pink...I mean Ran, anything interesting happen in gym class?"

Those trees across the street are quite pretty. Did it happen because I'm getting fat? I haven't been feeling fat I'll just be extra careful about what I eat. Maybe I should stop Uniqlo for some gym shorts. "No."

"Please Ran, I know all about it. We all do. I never imagined you of all people would wear that pattern. Between you and me I was a bit embarrassed at first to wear Michelle. It's not easy being a DJ in that suit."

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