Not Today

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"C'mon Tae, sleep is for the weak, you can close your eyes and rest when we get you a cab."


"Taehyung-ah, that's not helping, stop trying to lay all your weight on Jimin,  there isn't enough surface space to lean on."


"Why don't you lay on me babe, maybe you'll be a bit more comfortable that way."

"Thank you Kookie." A slurred response escaped.

After the vampire ran off into the shadows and out in the city, the trio took turns figuring out which one of them would have the experience of carrying one half-conscious siren. With a few stumbling steps and two attempts from the humans to carry him, Jeongguk saved them from the arduous task, his patience already worn thin from the experience.

By the time they stepped back into the customer section of the club,  the siren had sobered up some, standing on most of his weight, but still barely considered functioning. Before they could get any further into the club, now full and functioning with life, Jeongguk tensed, a low growl in his throat. Yoongi and Jimin tensed, looking for the next sign of danger. Instead, they watched as the crowd began to part from the direction of the bar, revealing Hoseok, back in casual attire as his shift had ended a while after theirs. His eyes, now more burgundy than brown, striding over to them with determined and agitated steps. 

"What happened."

Gone was the usual light and joking tone in the incubus' voice, a bitter and flat tone crawling up and out of his voice, anger lacing every note, his fangs visible under the neon lights of the club if Jimin peered hard enough.  

"There was a vampire that tried to take Taehyung and attacked Jimin when he tried to stop him," Yoongi replied, stepping in when Jeongguk said nothing, only growling louder when Hoseok took another step closer. 

"I'll be fine, I wasn't hurt. And you don't have to worry Kookie, Hobi-hyung doesn't want to hurt us, he just wants to make sure we're safe." Taehyung murmured, his eyes glowing a softer blue as he tried to calm the already agitated werewolf and incubus alike. 

Between the explanation and the siren's aura, the humans watched as both supernaturals relaxed, the tension seeping out of them like a hole in a cup, bound to happen, and yet almost unnatural at how quickly it faded. "As long as you're sure that you'll be okay," Hoseok said, eyes returning to normal before he turned his attention to Jimin. "And you're good too, right Jimin?" 

Jimin blinked once before slipping into a small smile, nodding. "Yeah, I'm good. My shoulder is a bit sore, but some ice and sleep should be enough." 

Hoseok smiled back, a half-smile raising his cheeks to their rightful place before letting out a breath. "Good. Let's get out of here then, I'm driving everyone home, no exceptions."

Arriving back at their house had Jimin heaving a deep sigh as he plopped onto the couch.

Tonight started out so well, only to end in such a disaster. Stretching, Jimin let out a groan as a few bones popped and cracked, watching Yoongi shuffle about the open kitchen. 

The ride home was relatively quiet, each being in the car absorbed in their own worlds. With Taehyung's calming auras long faded, Jimin watched as Hoseok drove, occasionally gripping the steering wheel harder, his eyes shifting from their normal browns to different unnatural hues. Taehyung had fallen asleep in the back seat, his shift, and the excitement of the early morning taking its toll on the poor siren. He was leaned into the crook of Jeongguk's shoulder, the werewolf's arm wrapped around him. The latter, however, was wide awake and on high alert, low beginnings of a growl often escaping him every few minutes. And then there was Yoongi.

Jimin had watched his hyung look out the passenger window, his face seemingly blank. Despite his calm features, living with his hyung gave his mannerisms away. He was too stiff despite slouching in his seat, his face too empty to be fine. Yoongi was always thinking about something, down to the smallest of insignificant things. Silently, he reached a hand out to the older, who jumped in shock before looking over and giving a small smile that never reached his eyes. Jimin creased his eyebrows in concern, asking a quiet question loud and clear. Yoongi simply nodded before turning back to the window, and Jimin leaned against the headrest in silence. 

Jimin had left it alone in the car out of respect, but here in their shared home, there was nowhere to hide. 


All shuffling from the kitchen came to a halt as the older weighed his options on speaking or continuing as if he heard nothing. 

"I know you heard me hyung, nothing moved for like, five seconds."

A groan was the only response Jimin received before he heard patted footsteps shuffling over to the couch. Yoongi said nothing, his face back to blank and completely unwilling to start off the conversation. 

"Seriously, are you alright hyung?" Jimin asked. He knew it was a dumb question to begin with, but sometimes his dumb questions managed to get through to Yoongi anyways. The man in question stared for a few more seconds before he sighed, opting to take a seat on the couch. 

"I'm fine, Jimin." A tired answer escaped from his lips.

"Are you really?"  

Jimin shifted in his spot to look at Yoongi properly, surprised to see him staring back. Another long sigh came from the elder as his whole composure just relaxed. 

"No. I wasn't worried when I didn't see you at the bar, I ran into Jeongguk quick enough to brush that off. But then the time stretched on and on, and it doesn't take being a supernatural to feel like something was off. And then," Yoongi said, his jaw clenching as he continued, "seeing you against the wall? Taehyung leaning slumped over? What would've happened if we hadn't gotten there in time?" He cut himself off there, burying his face in his hands.

Jimin moved to a proper sitting position, putting a hand on Yoongi's shoulder. "Don't think about it. All that matters is that you made it and that everyone came out of it relatively unscathed. You know we've had dangerous patrons before. Sure it was scary, but we're all in one piece, right?"

With a bit of coaxing, Yoongi slowly removed his hands to nod.

"Right. So now, we just need some sleep, and then we can come up with some insults in the morning to make ourselves feel better." Jimin said, chuckling towards the end. 

Yoongi's shoulders shook slightly, and Jimin was relieved to see the grin stretch on his hyung's face. "Great! Because 'grave-crawling hands was tacky as shit."

"It was the best I had in the short-term !" Yoongi shot back, affronted as Jimin laughed at the expense of his hyung. 

"Fine, but in the morning, I want to hear your best comebacks," Jimin said as he got up, en route to his bed to dreamland. Before he could move, however, Yoongi reached out, catching his arm before he could turn. "Yes?"

Yoongi's face had returned to a troubling question, and Jimin watched as the gears in his head turned to find the words.

"That vampire before he left, did it seem like he had stared at me differently?"

Jimin steeled his face away from any negative emotions, shaking his head. "I don't think so hyung. Just get some rest, I'm sure it's nothing." Fears assuaged, Yoongi let go and Jimin continued to his room. 

Absolutely nothing.

-A/N: Surprise bitch, you thought you've seen the last of me. 

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