Golden Singularity

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Jimin's always been a fan of video games. He's not the type to immediately attack a game from the get-go for a bad moment, patiently (sometimes not so patiently) waiting for a game to finish before coming to a verdict on how well he thought the game was.

But tonight, where his life and his hyung's life is on the line, he's hating every last moment until he can finally reach a checkpoint and save the game.

Jimin takes heed of Namjoon's words, double and triple checking the text message Namjoon had sent him after the call, a checklist of sorts of what to do and making sure he followed it like it was Sacred Scripture. Jimin had places a pack of cold peas on Yoongi's forehead and a wet cloth around his neck before retreating to open the windows. He wants to take off Yoongi's clothes, at least swap them out for something much more comfortable, maybe even shove some frozen carrots under his armpits, but the fear of waking up whatever was lurking underneath the skin far outweighed him actively disregarding his instinct for self-preservation.

He had opens just about every window in the room, save for the bathroom, and considers that a job well done. The rest of the text were just warnings if the worst came to be and to be wary if he decided to sleep. Now that all Jimin had to do was wait, the urgency that had remained constant for the majority of the early morning was finally beginning to drop. Taking a seat in the matching recliner adjacent to Yoongi, Jimin could feels his body become heavy with exhaustion and lets out a soft groan as a few bones pop. He hadn't realized just how taut and wound up he had been.

Jimin checks his phone. He had ended the call with his hyungs at three thirteen, just a mere ten minutes ago. It was going to take a while, he could tell. Even though Jin was more than capable than dragging Namjoon out the house, they had moved to Incheon, which was a solid hour and forty-five minutes from Seoul if they were lucky. Which was usually not the case considering the fastest route was also the airport route, which was never not a disaster. They most likely wouldn't be here until dawn. Letting out a sigh, Jimin lets his phone rest against the coffee table in front of him before curling up into the chair. He just wanted to go back to sleep, but it didn't seem possible, not with Yoongi not even feet away, and definitely not with the vampire in the alleyway pushing to the forethought every time he so much as entertains the thought of sleep. But somehow, he lets himself fall into a dreamless, fitful sleep.

Its five twenty-three when Jimin finally catches himself. His eyes, groggily looking out the window catch how the sky looks more brighter, first signs of daylight clear with the streaks of light across the sky. Jimin gets up and sighs when he checks his phone for the time and wants to cry and do a little happy dance for surviving the night before he finally looks towards the lump on the couch, off to replace the frozen vegetables. But when he does, Jimin swears he's about to have a heart attack.

Yoongi's gone. Frozen goods and all.

As if he had been burned, Jimin launches himself back, frantically looking for his roommate. He's not on the floor, not in the kitchen, and to Jimin's momentary relief, he's not in the living room with him. He lets out a deep breath. 'Maybe he went to the bathroom,' Jimin says to himself as he moves to the hallway, gaining confidence with each step. 'or maybe he even got better while he was alseep.' He even lets himself think before he quits that line of thought. There was no way he watched Yoongi go through the entire night and expect him to make an 100% complete recovery. But for now, Jimin's going to act as if he saw Yoongi with red eyes and barricade himself in his room.

Or at least, that was the plan, until he opens his door.

Brown eyes lock onto a pair of red and gold eyes staring back at him from the corner of his dark room. They blink at him.

Jimin almost dies right there and then.

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