A Growl For Help

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*1:15- The level of panic Jimin's experiencing*

As soon as Jimin reaches the flat, he lets out a groan as he lays Yoongi on their sofa, adrenaline fading as he runs out of energy. Jimin looks down at Yoongi, nervous energy running down his spine. What the hell was he supposed to do? This was not what he was expecting to occur when he picked up Yoongi's phone call. And what was this about Yoongi being offspring? None of this made much sense. Leaning against the island table, Jimin goes through everything that's happened in the span of the half hour.

He's been rudely awoken by Yoongi's staring contest with a vampire, heard evidence of something happening to Yoongi over the phone, went running to find Yoongi, actually found the vampire (and nearly died but all that matters is that he lived), and dragged a semi-dying Yoongi back to their shared apartment.

Jimin chuckles, then turns to full on laughter and he then he doesn't quite understand why or how but now he's on the floor with his arms crossed and now Jimin wonders when his laughing turned to sobbing. Taking deep breaths, Jimin counts down from twenty and manages to get it mostly under control by seven. He stands up, remembering the same dying man that sent him into hysterics and gets to work. Making sure Yoongi is as comfortable as possible, he goes for the first aid kit in the bathroom.

When he returns, it's with a grim resolve as he looks over the elder. Yoongi is burning up, his dark hair sticking to his face while his eyes are sealed shut in agony. His white shirt was covered in blood and sweat and whatever else he had the horrible luck of sliding into.

Channeling the life-saver workshops they forced him to take at work, Jimin kneels beside Yoongi, dousing a cloth with rubbing alcohol, the solution to all accidents and the best thing they had for the bad boo-boos. "Alright Yoongi, I can't make it any better for you, it's going to hurt. Just stay strong, yeah?" Jimin doesn't recieve a response, and he suspects that Yoongi's too far in pain to even hear him. Taking a deep breath, Jimin places the cloth on Yoongi's neck to wipe away the blood and clean the wound...

...and is promptly confused because where there should be two gaping bite marks and screaming, and two faded scars and the same heavy breathing from before.

What the actual fu-

And then it hits him. It both makes sense and yet it's so asinine that Jimin can't even wrap his head around it. Society might be aware of the supernatural, but there's so much that the general public has no clue about. You either knew about it or you had an in to find out about it.

But as Jimin hovers over Yoongi's body, he's completely unsure what to do. Something was most definitely eating Yoongi from the inside, burning and destroying and recreating his friend. It wasn't like Jimin could just take Yoongi to the hospital, not with the vampire still out there. He was sure that the monster wouldn't hold back after having its meal disrupted. Taking one more glance at Yoongi's face, he takes out his phone and dialed his hyungs, praying they weren't dicking around this early in the morning. Jimin needed an in to the supernatural and they would always be the first he turns to.


Across South Korea finds the largest in someone's house, painted a soft sky blue as the rest of the room resembled the ocean. The dressers and the bed frame were made of sandalwood, while the comforter was a deeper blue with seashells on the corner seams. The nighttime sky seeps in from the AC window, adorning the room with an underwater glow. Three o' Five in the morning finds Jin sleeping soundly in his room, half of his body under covers with the AC on, because that was the only way he would be comfortable during the summer. He's swimming away in dreamland until he hears his phone rattling around the wooden nightstand as he receives a phone call. Cursing under his breath, he shifts over to better reach the phone and yelps as a strong pair of arms wrap around him, one hand around his torso, the other placing itself around the top of his head. They pull him back into a muscled chest and Jin groans.

"Joonie," He calls out into the dark, hitting his husband's bicep—who is, by the way, hogging way too much of the covers— in an attempt to be released. "C'mon, let go, the call might be important." He says, trying to instill some good sense in his sleepy big spoon. "Namjoon." He hissed, hitting him again when there's no response.

Namjoon tightens his grip around Jin, pressing hot kisses along Jin's neck, occasionally nipping and pulling at the soft skin there. "Just let the phone go, no one makes important phone calls in the middle of the night." He reasons, voice a husky murmur as he tries to go back to sleep.

Just as he says that, the phone stops vibrating all over the place and Jin sighs in defeat, allowing Namjoon to hold him. He closes his eyes and curls into the younger as his breathing begins to even out. He's about to slip into unconsciousness when the phone rings again.

This time, he's ready for his husband and moves faster, shouldering his way out of Namjoon's arms and successfully accepts the call, much to Namjoon's dismay from the way he huffs, lying back down. Jin rolls his eyes at his silliness and puts the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

"Jin? Oh thank God you picked up!" the relief is evident in Jimin's voice and for a brief moment Jin is smug and is about to poke Namjoon right in his dimpled cheek because 'see, people do make important calls in the middle of the night' when Jimin continues. "You have to come over quickly, Yoongi's been bitten by a vampire, and I tried to clean the wound but there was no open wound. Jin, I'm kinda freaking out and I'd really like some help here."

Jin knows Namjoon's heard Jimin by the way he tenses around him. Before he comprehends, Namjoon's heat is absent from his body and the nightstand light is on, his husband holding out one hand for the phone. Jin nods and hands the phone over wordlessly, and just like that, Namjoon already had the phone to his ear. "Jimin, it's Namjoon. Keep Yoongi as cool as possible and open as many windows as you can. Try not to not let him wake up until we get there, if he does and his eyes are red, back away slowly without taking your eyes off him and barricade yourself in a room. If they're gold, it's safe to be around him, but do not look him in the eyes if you want to live. We'll be there soon, just hold tight."

Jin can hear the soft affirmative from Jimin's side before Namjoon ends the call. They both get out of bed, finding clothes to put on. " Namjoon, Yoongi's shifting, right?" Jin asks. He feels stupid having to ask such a question, but he needs a reassurance of what they might walk into the next few hours.

Namjoon almost misses his question, and Jin can see the haunted look in his burgundy eyes when he turns around and nods. "Are you sure you'll be okay Namjoon, you haven't been this worked up since..." Jin trails off at the soft rumbles he can hear coming from him. Namjoon stares for a few beats before pulling Jin into an embrace after seeing the worry in his husband's eyes. "Don't worry about me Jinnie," He says, placing his head on Jin's shoulder. "If Yoongi's really is shifting, then I just don't want him to make the same mistakes I did." Namjoon picks his head up to press a soft kiss to Jin's forehead before stepping back to find some more essentials. "I'll be fine, right now, we just have to get there before Yoongi wakes up, okay?" Namjoon flashes a quick smile, dimples included and Jin can't help but smile back and press an answering kiss to his cheek. "Right."

The two go silent as they pack what they need with them. Both hope everything will be alright. Jin prays that Jimin won't become a husk by the time they arrive. 

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