Boy Meets Bleeding Evil

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- Use of explicit swears and some mature themes. Oops. Made extra long just for you, as my apology for not updating in a month.

The best way to look past an imminent disaster is found in the return to normalcy. So it should be said that Jimin was having a hard time trying to pass that. Running a hand through his hair, he looks at the time.


He needs to leave for work in thirty-five minutes if he wants to be early and he still has no clue what to wear. He needs his best pair of black slacks that he knows for a fact was flawlessly ironed for work.

The only issue is that when it came to clothes in their household, Yoongi was the one who took care of it, and right now, Jimin has a pretty good feeling that his slacks are neatly laying on Yoongi's drawer surface. He had to go in there on the off chance he was wrong if he wanted them. Jimin shakes his head at the idea. The thumps coming from the vampire's room have been slowing down as the day went by, the last one occurring fifteen minutes ago.

He doesn't want to disrupt Yoongi in...whatever he's doing in there, lest he snap and go after Jimin once more. He goes into his own room, double, then triple checking just in case he missed the pants the first time. He swears, turning his attention to scouring for a pair of black slacks that aren't dirty and Jimin about to throw himself off a cliff because he really wants those pants, those are the custom-fit ones that snug his butt in a really nice way. 

Huffing as he leaves his room, Jimin stares at Yoongi's closed door, the apartment going silent as he listens for any sound. Jin and Namjoon both went to set up a blood account for Yoongi, so Jimin's alone. He holds his breath, hand on the door.

There's quiet, no sign of anything living beyond that door. With shuddering breaths and a shaky hand, he turns the knob and enters.

The room is so much darker than usual, it has Jimin squinting into the room as he waits for his eyes to adjust. When he can finally make out shapes and the various items on the floor, he slowly inches forward, zigzagging his way to avoid the various papers on the ground before finally reaching his drawer.

Jimin lets out a sigh of relief and grabs his slacks, and turns to skedaddle out the room. In his haste, he makes a straight beeline for the door, stepping on a particularly large ball of paper. It makes a particularly loud crunch and Jimin freezes as a low growl rises up from the corner of the room.


Fuck, he needs to stop celebrating so soon. There's violent shifting behind him, and Jimin wants to leave as if he never heard a thing, but he knows it's too late, knows Yoongi already saw him pause. So he turns towards him, slowly backing up. "Hyung? Are you alright? How are you feeling?"

Something about standing in the dark room, what little light able to stream through the curtains quickly fading was making him nervous. Yoongi is silent for a moment before he snarls, a loud clang reverberating against the bed frame as he pulls against his restraints.

In Jimin's shock, he stumbles back into the door frame, hissing as his arm digs into the metal door seal. Yoongi's silhouetted figure is thrashing now, hissing in a renewed frenzy.

"It burns. Give it to me Jimin, if you really care, you'll help me!"

Jimin watches in horror as there's a loud clang followed by the unmistakable rattle that comes from broken chain links. Jimin raises his hand in an attempt to shield himself from the impending danger and realizes three fundamental truths at the exact same time.

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