Oobleck: yes, I'm afraid those bags won't be necessary. Since you've opted to shadow a huntsman on what essentially a reconnaissance mission! I can assure you that we will not be setting up a base of operations, rather we will be traversing several miles of hazardous wastelands! We will be camping in any defendable locations we may stumble upon! I've packed all our essentials myself provided the air course and readied the airship. And!

He stands in front of Weiss.

Oobleck: it's doctor. I didn't eat a Ph.D. for fun thank you very much.

He zoomed away from the girl leaving her staring at Blake. Both looking very confused.

Oobleck: come now, children! According to our schedule, we are three minutes behind!

He freezes for a few seconds but suddenly ran all the way to the ship that was super far away.

Ruby: well alright then. Looks like we're going to save the world with doctor Oobleck...

She gives a thumbs up but still isn't sure of what is actually happening.

Ruby: yeah...okay when you say it out loud it sounds horrible...

They all hang their heads wishing they had someone else.

Yang: but at the same time we're saving the world with Spider-Man!

She points to Jade.

Blake: yeah that does sound way better.

Nora: Save the world!

Everyone turns around to see team JNPR walking over to them.

Nora: your going on a world-saving trip without us! I'm so sad!

She throws her arms around until her stomach growls.

Nora: and maybe a little hungry.

Jade: it's not your fault, Ren.

He crossed his arms and looked away from Nora.

Jaune: sounds exciting, where you going?

Ruby: oh just outside of Vale.

Nora: Hey! So are we! ....tomorrow though!

Jade: so what are you guys doing out here?

Nora: oh! Because Pyrrha wanted to see-

Pyrrha covers her mouth with a weird smile on her face.

Pyrrha: because I wanted to see our friends off before they leave!

Jade: really?

Jaune: she actually wanted to see you.

She didn't have time to cover his mouth. She laughs awkwardly and looked away with an embarrassed blush.

Weiss: wait? What?

He walked over and kissed Pyrrha right on the lips. Weiss jaw dropped as the two separated from their ten-second kiss.

Yang: you look surprised. You should have known this would happen after you kissed another guy right in front of him. We won't hold it against you but we're still a little mad you did it.

The three other girls walked away and Jade followed them not long after saying bye to Pyrrha.

Nora: aren't you going to go with?

Weiss snaps back to reality.

Weiss: y-yeah. I-I'll see you guys later.

She walked away but obviously had something on her mind.

Ren: you really didn't have to do that to her.

Pyrrha: but I didn't do anything except accept a kiss from, Jade?

Ren: I see you glare at her.

Nora: what! She hurt him so Pyrrha hurt her! I agree with her plans.

She crossed her arms.

Pyrrha: it was mostly accidental. I swear.

Ren: I just hope this doesn't put a rift in our friendship...


Oobleck was waiting inside the ship for the group of kids to reach him. that was until his scroll rung with a call from Ozpin. 

Oobleck: yes? ....really? right away Ozpin. but who will take over this trip for me? ah, her! I see.

he walks out the ship to see team RWBY standing a little bit in front of the ship.

Oobleck: I'm sorry to say but something has come up that requires my direct attention. a new teacher will be taking over this exploration for me.

they all stare in confusion as Oobleck walked away from everyone. 

Jade: who is gonna be taking over then?

Yang: I guess we just have to wait and see?

Lily in her suit of armor suddenly lands in front of everyone making them jump back. 

she steps out the armor and adjusted her glasses. it flies away leaving Lily.

Lily: so, are you ready to save the world?

End of chapter 13 volume 2

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