
"No really I'm okay, it's my fault really"


"I should'nt have cheated. If I didnt cheat then we would still be together and be happy"


"I sound selfish dont I? Of course not every love lasts forever. I just though that we would-"

Jeongin rolled his eyes, grabbed hold of Chan's collar and pulled him into a kiss. It was short and sweet and when they pulled away,

"I'm confused" Chan said.

"I don't like Jimin, Chan. I like you" Jeongin said.

"I dont know how to feel about this. I almost started crying" Chan laughed feeling embarrassed.

"Then let me give you something to feel" Jeongin smirked.


And Jeongin pulled Chan for another kiss, which was heated.


Jimin knocked on Woojin's door anxiously, fidgeting in his spot.

Woojin opened the door, shirtless and Jimin had to stop himself from practically drooling.

Woojin smiled, "hey"

"Okay let me get to the point" Jimin said pushing past Woojin and entering the room.

Woojin scrunched up his eyebrows and closed the door, "And what point is that?"

"I like you. A lot. I kissed Jeongin and now...now I feel it. I like you" Jimin said.

"Wow um okay first you kissed Jeongin? And also I like you too" Woojin said.

"Yes because we were confused but now he knows he loves Chan and I know I like you" Jimin explained.

"Oh...so like you wanna date?" Woojin asked.

"Is that even a question?" Jimin laughed and pulled him into a kiss.


"Y'all fucked didn't you?" Felix asked entered Jeongin and Jimins dorm room.

Chan was sitting on one of the beds with Jeongin sitting between his legs. Woojin and Jimin in the same position on the other bed.

"And? What about it?" Jimin asked.

Changbin rolled his eyes, "Are you all cool now? No more beef?"

"No more beef" Chan and Jeongin said at the same time.

"That's awesome" Jisung smiled.

Everybody chose a spot, getting comfortable.

"I'm glad we all finally figured things out" Hyunjin said playing with Seungmin's hair.

"I am too" Lisa said from the door.

"LISA!" They all cheered.

"I missed you guys" She said putting down boxes of pizza and a some soda.

"We missed you" Jeongin said.

"I see everyone is finally happy again" She said as everyone got their slices and drinks.

They all chatted amongst themselves, laughing and enjoying each others company.

It has been so long since they were all happy and all able to hang out together with no problems.

"So I see Chaddy and Baby boy finally got back together" Minho wiggled his eyebrows.

"Don't ever say that again" Lisa laughed taking a bite of pizza.

Chan laughed and leaned down to kiss Jeongin's head.

"I love you" Jeongin whispered.

"And I love you" Chan whispered back.

He raised his head and looked at everyone, seeing as they all had smiles on their faces and laughing with each other.

He looked down at Jeongin to see him laughing at something Seungmin said.

"My Baby Boy"

The End.

BITCH IM ABOUT TO CRYYYYYYY but please read all of this...

This book has come a long way and I want to say thank you to everyone who kept reading it and who enjoyed my crappy writing and dry humor.

Now did I have to end this book on Chapter 69...yes I did. I was gonna do an alternative ending but decided against it. 

Also for the trick up my sleeve, no it is not a sequel, I'm sorry for everyone who thought it was or wanted one. If anything we all know they all get married at the end lol.

So I was thinking. It was 3am, I was bored and scrolling through pinterest and saw a Taekook spiderman mood board and I was like that's cool they dont have many like that out there but then

What if I wrote a book about JeongChan and then one of them being spiderman??

So you guys can still be fed with Jeongchan Content and get this...if this doesnt flop and you guys like the idea I'll probably add that Jimwoo or Woojim ship as well.

So please let me know if you guys like the idea and I'll get straight to writing.

Anyways that's the end of "Baby Boy",I love you guys💜

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