Part 5 out of 7

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"Yes. I know him well...", said the doctor. He continued, "perhaps, much better than anyone else. "

"Just saying, doc. " added the guard, who left after sometime.

No sooner had the guard left, than the convict stepped inside.

"Oh Richard! ", sighed the doctor solemnly.
He looked quite despondent and infuriated, at the same time.

And why shouldn't he be? He'd knew Richard since a long time and was shocked to see what had become of a chirpy and confident teen.

Richard's smudgy face lit up as he inhaled deeply, before breaking into tears.

"Hold it together, boy! " smiled the doctor, consoling the prisoner, who stood weeping in grimy clothes. "Have a seat."

Richard flopped into a chair, wiping his tears on his sleeves. He wanted to scream, to explain, to prove his innocence but maybe; he thought, it was too late now.

"'re saying that, there are who, according to you, are the real culprit? ",
the district judge had asked, after Richard had spelled out his side; in that one particular hearing.

"He's making it all up, M'lud ! ", snapped the opponent lawyer, who clearly had enough. "We have eye witnesses, evidences and all he's blathering about are just massive heaps of lies! "

"I am not lying! ", said Richard with strange grin on his face, which really didn't helped much, but rather making it more ironic to the court.

"Oh, of course you aren't !", laughed the lawyer, picking up the knife from the evidence tray, holding it high up in the air,
"And... this is not the knife you stabbed my client with, am I right? "

"Mr. Richard ", admonished the judge, who probably had mistook Richard's grin, as a sign of being deceptive. He continued,

"Do you know that you could be penalized for misguiding the court, giving false claims? "

"Do you think that I'm......bluffing? ", asked Richard, with a strange glower.

"Are you seeing it, M'lud !", yelled the opponent lawyer, pointing the knife at the convict. "He's got no shame and he dares to question the authority !"

" still don't know what I can dare for! "

It happened really quick. And before anyone could deduce, the lawyer was stabbed, with spurt of blood gushing from his wound near the neck. He collapsed, and was cold in his own pool of blood; within a flash of few seconds.

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