Part 6 out of 7

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Sure, Richard could have been sentenced to life imprisonment for his first murder; if he hadn't committed his second right in front of the court.

The verdict was passed and Richard became, arguably the youngest convict to be executed.

"I don't want to die, doctor! "

"Well..", sighed the doctor, who found it hard to control the sobbing young man. "Richard, everything's going to be okay. "

"You think ? ", growled Richard. His face had a smirched outline caused due to tears rolling down his smudgy mug ; leaving wavy streaks.

"Richard, calm down! ", said doctor frowning. "None of this is true! "

"What do you mean? "

"The voices, Richard! ", emphasized the doctor. "That damn voices!...... none of them are real! "

Richard just stared at him blankly, rather in disbelief.

"Yes." Continued the doctor, "Believe me ! All those voices are just a part of imagination! "

"M-m-my w-what? ", stammered Richard.

All this time he'd been hoping that if there was anyone who would believe him, it would be his psychiatrist. That was perhaps the only reason Richard wanted to visit him. At least, it would've made the death less harsh, knowing someone believed in him.

"Yes, Richard!'s just in your head." , said the psychiatrist.
"You're just sick. And eventually, we would have proved this thing in the court if you wouldn't had gone savage and mauled that poor attorney !"

"Well....So you're saying it's all my fault? " growled Richard, raising himself from the chair. His eyes clearly reflected his intentions and perhaps, that's what the doctor noticed quickly.

"Richard !", warned the doctor. "Remain seated boy!..... Or else there'd be-

But before the doctor could finish, Richard had pounced on his neck, choking every inch of poor doctor's life.
"Richard!..... Stop it! ", gasped the doctor, searching for breaths out of Richard's rigid hold. "G-g-guard! "
The guard rushed inside, and started separating the poor doctor from the strangulation.

Meanwhile, it was past lunch and the jailors now, were worried for their convict, who hadn't showed up yet.

"Where the hell is he? " , demanded the chief jailor. "He was to be brought back an hour ago! "
The officers were in tumults, until the telephone rang.

"Hello? ", gasped the voice from the other side. It seemed that the person was, longing for breaths.

"Hello, who's this? ", asked the jailor. "Oh! The doctor, yes! "

"It's's about Richard!", heaved the doctor. "He......he ran away! "

"He what?! .......... RAN AWAY! ", screamed the astonished jailor, rankled on the incompetent security provided by his own unit.
"Bring the guard on the line please!"

"I'm sorry but......I cannot. " replied doctor. " He's dead."

"What? "

"Yes!....Richard went wild and snapped the guard's neck, like it was nothing. "

"Oh my God! ", exhaled the jailor, who realized it was a mistake on his side, to belittle Richard's puissance.

VOICE OF VICE... Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora