Part 3 out of 7

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It was later known that Richard wasn't taking his prescription on time and as a result, his anxiety had worsened. Richard became, from a confident young boy to a tremulous and disconcerted victim of bullying.

The bullying had stopped, but it didn't made Richard feel better. Sure, there were some slurs every once in a twilight, but the damage was already done.
Richard opened up to one of his classmates later on, that he was hearing some voices in his head which weren't showing any signs of fading. Owing to his friend's advice, Richard took a visit to his doctor, who blamed it all on Richard's lack of care towards himself, but ended up giving him a strong prescription assuaging to Richard's continuous pleadings; which he took none of them.
Richard's behavior started to become volatile and aggressive, at such an extent that he nearly stabbed one of the seniors in the college; but he was let off with a serious warning, owing to his clean history.

"This isn't your school, chap! ", said the guard who dragged the said prisoner up to the infirmary. The inmate now, showed almost no sign of resistance and scuffed inside with a wretched face.

"Well, just a mild drop in blood sugar level, "said the prison doctor, observing his young patient throughout. He continued,
"Oh boy, and eat something. You look famished."

The prisoner was deported in a van to meet up his psychiatrist, so as to fulfill his last wish. Coincidentally, it was close to lunch and the chief jailor decided to sent only one guard to accompany with a skinny and dingy boy, who seemed too harmless and flimsy to possibly even run.

"No! I said stop! ", had screamed the head editor of the local advertisement agency, who clearly wasn't happy with Richard back then.
"W-W-What happened S-S-Sir? ", stuttered Richard, who wasn't in his best of health during that time.

"This! ", hollered the desperate editor, at the top of his lungs. "This is what happens! You understand! "
Richard's mental condition was not only hampering his studies and social life, it had started to affect his job too.

As a dubbing artist working on advertisements, it was necessary for Richard to deliver his lines without any, stuttering or ad-lib of any kind. After doing bedazzling work for a couple of months, Richard had started to stammer abruptly; sometimes saying lines which he wasn't even supposed to.
Sure, this had ticked off the editor and he wanted to get rid of Richard, but he knew about Richard's talents and offered to give him another chance; which clearly Richard has blew up.

VOICE OF VICE... Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora