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  Charlotte is 17 years old and is 5'4". She has long blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. Her life isn't normal and its not great either. She gets bullied at school by two boys, Xavier and Carter. They are both 18, twins, and the most popular boys in school. She gets bullied cause she's different. She's not popular and no one likes her except for her friend. Her only friend, Peyton. Peyton is 18, has short brown hair, and brown eyes. The bad thing though is that Peyton goes to a completely different school. Peyton doesn't know that her best friend is being bullied.

  After school everything is supposed to be better, like home. Home to Charlotte is a nightmare. Her mom ignores her, like full blown ignores her. She never speaks or  looks at her own daughter. She acts like she's not there. Her dad abuses her. He'll beat her for not doing her chores or if she does them wrong. He also thinks she's a disgrace to the family but she doesn't know why.

  Her parents are Kimberly and David and they work with the biggest music producer, Simion Cowell. Yea that's right. Shes not exactly poor, well her family anyways. She gets nothing. The only way she gets clothes is from her friend Peyton.

  Charlotte loved Peyton fir that and she didn't want her to find out what was going on. The thing is Peyton already figured it out. She couldn't believe that Charlotte's parents would do that to her and she wanted to help, so she  introduces One Direction to her. Charlotte slowly started to get better but the pain was still there. One day she gets and idea after listening to their new song, Diana, to write letters to the boys. She knew they would never read them but she did it anyways. But what if her letters actually did get read?


Hello lovelies! !! Sorry fir taking sooo long to update this story!!! I've been supper busy with school that I don't have time!!

I'm not quitting on this story the updates are just gonna be slow...

soo you guys get to see some insight into Charlotte's life and what goes on..

Thoughts on Charlotte? Peyton? Kimberly and David?

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Thanks! !!


Letters to 1D (completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt