Letter 6

812 21 3

     It's been quite awhile. I know. I just didn't want to annoy you guys. I know I am. I'm sorry for being annoying. I don't think I can last for 84 more days. I just want to disappear so I'm shortening the time. Instead of 84 its gonna be two weeks. I know its not that long but I just can't take it anymore. I'm sorry. I know I'm just a huge disappointment. I know I am. that's all I ever am. I should probably go. I don't want to be annoying. Well I guess thats all. Bye.
x Charlotte


I know I know its short but its important for the next few letters.

so what do you guys think about her shortening the days? thinking she's annoying them? for her disappearing for a few days?

thanks for reading.

I have a new story up called Don't Forget Me if you guys feel like reading it.

They were best friends ever since they were little. When Harry and his mother moved to Doncaster, Harry was only 4. One day while they were at the park he meets a 7 year old boy named Louis. They become friends and Louis makes a promise that they will always be friends.   

As the years go on, Louis starts distancing himself from Harry. Soon his arms are filled with tattoos. He has a lip piercing and his once feathery brown hair is now red. He soon forgets about Harry and becomes friends with Zayn Malik.  

Harry on the other hand never forgot about Louis. He was always hoping he would come back but never did. He found a new friend, Niall Horan, and figured he could finally forget all about Louis till he sees him again the first day of 10th grade.

There's the discription.

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