Letter 15

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Dear Charlotte,

This is the boys management. The boys have been reading your letters and have been doing everything they could to get your father arrested since he works for Modest! Management. The boys also don't want you to die cause you have a long life ahead of you to live. If you are reading this now, the boys really care about you. They have been doing everything they could to make you happy. Since you don't have parents that love you the boys are gonna allow you to come on tour with them and to stay with them.
Don't give up. There are extraordinary things in your future.



David Callahan, former worker of the one of the biggest music producers Simon Cowell, has been arrested for child abuse. It has been noted that David Callahan has been abiding his daughter, Charlotte Callahan, for over 10 years.
Charlotte Callahan is now reportedly in the hospital for almost killing herself because of the abuse from her father.
Charlottes mother, Kimberly Callahan, also a former worker for Simon, is no where to be found. It is said that she stood by watching her husband beat their own daughter. If found call the police right away.
Charlotte Callahan has been out of the spotlight for sometime not wanting to be seen but today is now taking a chance to give all of us a message.

"My name is Charlotte. I attempted to kill myself thinking that I was not wanted in this world. I have been abused by my father and also bullied by people at my school, one being my ex best friend.
I use to think that there was no hope in my life and all there was was bad luck. I started writing letters to my favorite group to try and get them to convince me to stay and to help. I written these not thinking they would be seen. Little did I know they were.
Never give up hope cause there is always a hand to catch you when you fall."

Those were some strong words spoken from Charlotte.
The biggest boy band, One Direction, have set out to help this girl. They managed to get the police to arrest her father for his crimes and to also have her come on tour and live with them. Get ready for a bunch of jealous fan girls.
These boys are truly lifesavers. Saving lives everywhere. Good work lads!
David Callahan will be going to jail for attempt of murder and child abuse for the rest of his life. Charlotte you no longer have to worry about your father ever again.

Super twist lol
You all thought she was gonna die. Psych. Lol

What do you guys think of the boys taking Charlotte in?

Can't believe this is the end. I'm gonna cry.

Hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did.

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