Letter 14

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Bye guys,

I'm sorry it had to end like this and I'm sorry for bugging you guys with all these stupid letters. Well I guess it's more like emails but oh well.
You guys are really amazing and loving. You care for all your fans and try your bestest to show that you do. I'm glad I was apart of this fandom and I always will be just not here on earth anymore.
You have no idea how hard it is right now to type when all I can do is cry. I'm about to end my life because of stupid people in the world. You boys had nothing to do with it. Trust me.
Thank you for that one time you did respond. It meant a lot it just wasn't enough. I'm sorry for doing this for you guys but I have to do it.
I'm about to be free from all hate and abuse. I won't have to worry about being beaten or having to hear hateful words thrown at me.
I love you boys. Always have always will and thank you for being apart of my short terrible life.
Bye forever boys.


You guys probably hate me right now but there's one more chapter. Your probably confused as to why there is but you'll find out soon.

I might just update again tonight for you guys.

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