Letter 9

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Well I got your reply. I'm surprised I even got an answer back considering you guys probably get a lot of emails each day.

Today was kinda weird for me. My mom actually talked to me. Like a full blown conversation like she never hated me. I'm not sure if I'm happy that she doesn't know I'm invisible and is trying to get to know me or if I should be mad. Like I've been here for my entire life and she never noticed me. Treated me like I was invisible.

In other good news, I haven't seen my 'dad' all day. Like what the hell? Is my life suddenly finally picking up or am I just lucky for this one day? I feel like as soon as things start to look great its just gonna fall right back down in the dark.

I'm still counting down the days. 1 Week and that's it. Hopefully today wasn't just a lucky day. Hopefully things finally start looking up. But I'm always wrong about those types of things.


Letter 9. so close to the end. Only 6 more letters to go then the epilogue. I can't believe I'm close to ending this story.

Anyways thoughts on Charlottes mom talking to her? her dad missing?

thoughts on her still counting down the days?

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