Letter 13

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1 day. just one day left and I haven't heard from any of you. who cares anyways. its not like anyone is gonna miss me anyways. might bas well just go ahead and end it all.
I can't wait for tomorrow to come. to get away from every single evil creature on this planet. to just go into the darkness and to never come back. to just be at peace for once and not have to worry about almost being beaten to death.
everyone will be happy once I'm gone. everyone wouldn't have to worry about me anymore. they can go back to being their perfect selves. not that anyone is perfect, no one truly is but they sure to think they are.
I'm ready to be away from peyton. I'm sick of seeing her. every time I see her it makes me wanna die right there because apparently she doesn't want me here anymore.
I'm ready to be away from my bullies. ready to not have to worry about being afraid to go to school everyday. to be afraid to go to lunch without being tripped. most of all I'm ready to be away from my dad. I'm sick of being afraid to come home wondering how bad I'm gonna be beaten that night. I'm sick of being blamed for things I didn't do. I hate that even in my own home I'm not safe. I'm not safe anywhere.
I'm sorry for being like this. I'm sorry for bugging you guys with my own stupid problems. its not like you guys care about them anyways. you have more important things to do than worrying about a fan that doesn't know how to deal with their own problems.
1 day then ill be out of your hair. 1 day and you won't have to worry about me anymore. 1 day and the world will be a better place.


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