"No need to apologise. It's fine." I smile.

"Well, as you're late, we will need to speed this session up to fit as much material in as we can. We'll begin with Korean languages." He says, taking in a deep breath through his nose.

He stands up from his desk and walks to a bookshelf, scanning the books with his finger, before he picks one out.

"You may take this home, read it in your free time. It'll help teach you about Korean sentence structure." He says, walking over to me. He stands tall to my left, holding the book out to me. 

I grab the book from his hands, accidentally feeling the warmness of his fingers on mine. 

I jolt slightly, before quickly pulling it out of his grasp and packing it in my bag.

"Thank you." I mumble.


He's been tutoring me in Korean languages for about 30 minutes, and I'm actually learning a lot. This is a lot more enjoyable than I expected, and time is flying by.

I'm a little nervous to ask, but I've been desperate to use the bathroom for about 10 minutes now. I'm scared to interrupt him...

I clear my throat and bite the bullet, unable to hold it in anymore.

"Mr. Kim?" I interrupt him mid sentence. 

He looks up, his eyes burning into me. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under by now.

"Yes?" He furrows his brows, lifting his head to face me.

"I'm sorry, but could I use your bathroom?" I stutter, my legs now rubbing together as I struggle to hold it in. I smile pleadingly at him, begging him with my expression.

"Upstairs. Second door on the left." He says, leaning back in his chair, letting out a small sigh.

"Thank you!" I breathe, jumping out of the seat and practically sprinting up the stairs. 

I find the bathroom with ease. I relieve myself and wash my hands, letting out a content breath.

Even the bathroom is beautiful. The counter tops are black marble, specks of crushed diamond in the cracks. I see the shower in the reflection behind me. The curiosity in me is too strong.

I turn around and look inside, noticing what body wash he uses. I let out a small chuckle, realising he likes to use light, feminine scents. His body wash is lavender and sandalwood, which explains the smell in his office at school.

"How cute." I mutter to myself, picking the bottle up and observing it closely. I pop the top open and smell it, smiling as I inhale the sweet, light scent. 

I suddenly realise what I'd doing, the smile dropping from my face. I quickly place the bottle back down on the shelf and walk out of the bathroom.

"Why the hell was I sniffing his shower wash?" I mutter to myself, shaking my head.

I reach the top of the stairs, about to go down when something catches my attention out of the corner of my eye. 

I turn and look, squinting my eyes and tilting my head. I walk closer, until it comes into better view.

There's a drawing of a butterfly on one of the doors. 

I stare at it confused, it looks juvenile, like a child drew it. It seems so out of place in a house like this, that I can't help but me curious about it.

I raise my hand, about to touch it until I see a large hand grab my wrist, tearing my hand away from the door.

I yelp in surprise, shocked at the sudden aggressiveness. 

"What do you think you're doing?" He leans in close to my face, holding my wrist up in the air, his grip tight. 

"I- I'm so sorry" I stutter, unable to think clearly at this moment.

He glares at me, his eyes dark and angry.

"I see you can't be trusted." He says, his tone calmer. He lets go of my wrist and backs away a couple steps, but the way his eyes and burning into me stays the same.

"No, I can, I promise. I'll never do it again, I'm sorry." I plead.

"You'll have to be punished."


"Go downstairs." He demands, his voice low. 

I don't hesitate, I quickly rush down the stairs and back into his office, taking my seat.

I sit there, anxiety taking over, staring at the door as I wait for him to enter the room.

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