She grinned at me but her face turned serious after few seconds. I looked at her in concern.

"What happened?"

She sighed. "Natalya, I think you should talk to Adrian. You've been giving him silence treatment since morning and it's killing him." I looked down, fidgeting with my fingers. She paused for a bit, then covered my hands with her's. "You know he's just looking out for you. You don't know any of your relatives there. You've never been there. He might have his reasons for not letting you go there. And don't forget Adrian can't live a day without you. You're his only family now. Plus you're still a kid."

"I'm eighteen!"

"Seventeen." She corrected.

"Almost eighteen." I grumbled.

"You turned seventeen two months ago! But that's beside the point. Talk to him. Try to convince him to take you there. Alright?" I nodded my head, smiling at her. She smiled back.

The sound of shutting the door brought us back from our little moment. I looked at Addy as he sat down on his place. "Why did he want to talk to you?"

"And she talks!" Addy exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes. "C'mon. Tell me."

He rubbed his face. "He wanted to inform me about the meeting tomorrow."

"You're lying. Why would Ethan send him to inform you about the meeting? I'm sure he woul---"

"Natalya, it would be better if you don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong." He snapped at me.

My eyes widened in shock. I heard a gasp from Ella.

He had never snapped at me, before. Yeah we argued every once a month but he had never rose his voice before at me.

Tears began to form in my eyes. I took a deep breath then nodded my head. "I'll keep in mind from next time."

"Shit!" He cursed. "Natalya, wai--"

"Goodnight." I mumbled then ran up the stairs to my room. I was very grateful this one time that I didn't fall down the stairs.

And once I was in the confine of my room, the waterworks started. Tears began to fall freely. I jumped on my bed and bury myself under my cover.


"Hey." Elo and Charli smiled as they reached me.

It's break now. Before this I had French class with Joseph and Elijah. They were with me but now I think I lost them or they've gone to do their work or something.

"Hi." I gave them a small smile.

"What happened?" Elo asked as we all began to walk towards the cafeteria.

"Nothing. Why would you think that something happened?"

"Because you're eyes are swollen." Charli pointed her fingers at my eyes. "That means you were crying." Elo nodded her head in agreement.

"I....ummm...had a small argument with Addy." I admitted, looking down on the floor.

I couldn't even sleep last night because of this whole argument. And to top it all, I kept crying every few minutes.

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