three - alone

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In about 5 days I managed to be friend and be surrounded by three good looking men. Like, am I in wrong dimension or something?

Its been a few days since I met Jungkook and his friend Yoongi. And they're apparently not robbers. They just happen to like the way they dress so much till they don't care about sweating their asses out in the humid weather.

Jungkook especially, is quite a unique individual. And by that I meant I do not like him. He's like a copy of Jimin but times 10.

Very uncontrollable set of words come from his mouth every two seconds. He knows, alright. He knows how to push my buttons.

I wonder what he does for a living. He comes every single day, always with a different jaw dropping looking man. Even though most of them were covering their faces. He only introduced Yoongi to me, and it was also by accident.

Anyway, Jaemin brought me roses today, which was really sweet. It feels weird, being this close to him. Or it was probably just typical Ahra who never had friends her entire life. Specifically boy friends. No one would dare be friend me, let alone stay near me.

I was obese as a kid. It was only last year when I managed to lose a good amount of weight, at least until I felt healthy.

My cheeks were as puffy as they can be, and talk about my eyes. I'm blind as hell. I wouldn't see shit if it weren't for my two inch thick (i might be exaggerating), black rimmed glasses.

People would laugh at me for my sense of style. I swear I followed every look in each pin I see on Pinterest. But it just never felt right.

"Ahra?" I forgot Jaemin was there for a couple minutes of my daydream.

"Y-yes," I answer hesitantly, his left hand draws closer to mine.

"The date, have you thought about it?"

I couldn't stand the look in his eyes when he asked. Its like he was desperate for acceptance.

"Alright, but just one date." I answered while packing my stuff. We kinda bonded a bit today. At least he thought we were.

"How about today?"

"I have work," I answered, just realizing that I can't go anywhere. I used up my furlough this month already.


I shifted uncomfortably, "I can't, I have night shifts." I want to mentally facepalm myself.

"Can I come?"


"Come to work with you," he smiled.

"I mean, if you want to?"

I gazed at the window beside us and almost jolted out of my seat when I realized it was already dark out.

"I have to go."

"See you tomorrow, then." he half shouted.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and rushed out the door, catching a bus from almost leaving.


"I'm soooo sorry!" I looked at Jimin and pouted, feeling really sorry. Good thing there weren't any

"What's gotten into you?" she snickered.

"You don't have practice today right?"

"Nope, but I got a date tonight. And stop changing the subject!"

"And just because I do not have practice today doesn't mean you can be late young lady," she added.

"Yes, maam." I did a 180° bow, my head touching my knees. I love exaggeration.

"Hope you didn't break your back doing that." Jimin always knows how to lighten up the mood.

While she was preparing to leave, she told me about the guy she was seeing for almost a week now.

Surprisingly, he kind of resembles Jaemin, a guy who can sweep a girl off her feet just by his looks. Plus a good personality, the 'too good to be true' type of guy. I hope he treats her right. Jimin is indeed one of a kind.

"Goodluck sis, just kick his noodle if he tries something weird."

She laughed and we made a couple more inside jokes before she left for good.

There weren't many customers today. Usually by 12 drunken men would start coming and occasionally try to sexually harass me before I try to kick their you know what.

They probably are traumatized by me. But that's fine. It makes my job a lot easier.

I almost drifted to sleep if it wasn't for Jungkook. As usual, he always stops by at around two.

But this time, he came alone.

"Hey bitch,"

"What?" he snapped.

"Someone's in a mood today." I smirked, expecting a him to make a comeback.

He didn't though.

"Where your friend at?"

He stayed quiet. And I guess that's my queue to stop. I planned to get back at him today, but

After he picked up a few stuff he placed them on the cashier, again without saying a word. Although I can only see his eyes, I know damn well he's pissed right now. Shooting lasers on my forehead. Is he on his period or something?

I decided to do something I haven't tried before. I took a step forward and tapped lightly on his head with my knuckle.

"Hello, who are you and where did you take Jungkook?"

He stiffened at my touch, even though he was wearing a hat. A black baseball cap today. Always monotone colors. We never made physical contact before.

I saw his eyes arch a bit. But after he noticed I was paying attention, he put his normal flat expression back on.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked, stuffing his food inside a plastic bag.

"Nope," his voice was a bit raspy. Raspier than his usual tone. Was he crying?

He slammed his cash into the register, took his bag, and left. I hope he's okay.

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