She was like a painting

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Chapter 8:

Charlies POV:

He slowly grabbed her shoulders and pulled her away. She looked at him. Her face was full of tears. My little Sis... Before they saw me I would go away.

Susans POV:

He pulled me away.

Michael: „I'm sorry."

His eyes are killing me.

Susan: „It's not your fault! I should've told you. So... I've been hurted a lot of times. I was always looking for Mister Right. You know? The one I could spend my life with. But ai was always used. My Ex told everyone I would sleep with everyone for money because I didn't want to have sex with him. I was only 16. And..."

I couldn't speak. My eyes were filled with tears. I wanted to cry again.

Michaels POV:

I hugged her again.

Michael: „Shhhh... It's okay. I didn't knew about that. Don't cry."

Susan: „Thank you."

Michael: „For what?"

Susan: „Believing me."

I smiled and let her go.

Michael: „I think we should go back."

Susan: „Yes, let me just dry my face."

I handed her a tashue.

Susan: „Thank you."

Susans POV:

He was nice. Maybe I should trust him. He isn't acting like he cares. I don't know why but i feel it. I looked at him and he looked at me back while we were walking. He gave me a shy smile. The I stopped. Michael was confused.

Michael: „What's wrong?"

Susan: „Your shirt!"

He looked down and laughed. It was wet because of my tears.

Michael: „Wait a sec! Why isn't it black?"

Susan: „You mean because of make up?"

Michael: „Yes."

Susan: „Oh I don't use any."

Michael: „Really? No make up? Nothing?"

Susan: „Nope. What's wrong?"

Michaels POV:

She didn't use nything and was that beautiful. Her skin was caramel brown and her eyes big brown and a bit black. Her lips had a soft rose tone... He looked like a perfect painting. God had created the perfect women. She was wonderful.

Susan: „What's wrong?"

Michael: „Uhmm... Nothing. It's just-"

Susan: „Yes?"

Michael: „You sre so pretty I thought you were wearibg some."

Susans POV:

I blushed so hard.

Susan: „Thank you."

He smiled.

Michael: „May I ask you something?"

I looked him in the eyes.

Michael: „What do you think of guys wearing make up?"

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