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Michael's POV:
My foot was against the car Susan came out if the building and I smiled.
Michael: I waited for you.
She looked confused at me.
Michael: You said we'd go on a date again.
Susan: Now?
I shrugged.
Michael: Why not?
After I opened the door Susan bit her lip unsure.
Michael: What's wrong? Do you think I'll pull you into a forrest and kill you?
I smiled bright and she started laughing a bit.

Susan's POV:
He opened the door, but I wasn't sure if I should go. I still had to do maths and my exam in spanish was tomorrow. I bit my lip, while making a plan.
Michael: What's wrong? Do you think I'll pull you into a forrest and kill you?
I laughed a bit too loud and shook my head.
Susan: No, no! I just have to study a lot and I don't know-
Michael: One hour. We'll go out for one hour.
One hour... That'd be okay I guess.
Susan: Sure.
I smiled and got in the car. He closed the door and got in.
I turned on the radio and Simply the best was on. He started humming the melody. I watched Michael and smiled. The song ended and he looked at me surprised.
Michael: Why are you looking like that?
Susan: Like what?
Michael: I don't know. It's kind of weird. As if you'd like me or something.
He grinned and looked at the road again.
Susan: I just like your voice.

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