Chapter Sixty-Six

Start from the beginning

Carmen moves closer reaching her hand out, "I can feel it."

Edward glances over to his wife, "I'm Renesmee's biological father. Bella is her mother."

Kate shakes her head horrified, "lmpossible."

Bella clarifies, "It's true. She was born while I was still human."

Eleazar, "I've never heard of such a thing."

I speak up, "Matthew is my Son. I'm his biological mother. Jasper his father. He was conceived due to my gift."

Eleazer looks into my eyes, his curiosity clearly intrigued by my ability.

"They can show you, if you let them," Edward explains indicating to the children.

Jake walks over holding Renesmee in his arm. Matthew running over to me, clinging to my leg.

I take my son's hand, edging closer to Carmen.

"It's okay," I reassure, "He won't hurt you. He'll just look you in the eyes."

Carmen then glances into his eyes. Tears brimming in her eyes, a smile creeping onto her face. She flickers her gaze at me in astonishment.

"It's true," Carmen whispers.

Tanya nods, "They are not immortal."

I breathe in a sigh of relief, deep down knowing this would be something that we would face by everyone we encountered.

They would all be afraid but they will all have to witness.

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

I grab Bella's arm, dragging her into the back garden. I stand opposite her, my feet stood in a sparring stance.

"What the hell are we doing out here?" Bella asks her hands on hips.

I smirk raising my hands up into front on my chest, "Well sister you need to learn how to fight."

She looks at me slightly flustered, "And you going to teach me."

"I know a thing or two," I grin nodding at her.

She rolls her eyes at me mimicking my hand gesture.

"Move you legs further apart," I mutter, "You need to be able to move easily. Don't confine yourself."

She steps so that her feet are in line with her shoulders.

"Good, now come at me," I encourage.

Her fist raises a powerful jab heading for my head. I evade the blow, reaching to her wrist. Spinning her round I trip her up, her body slamming to the ground with a loud thud.

She winces holding the back of her head, "Urgh."

I extend my hand, quickly pulling her to her feet.

Standing up, I run towards her. Her fist striking my chest in a rapid uppercut. She chokes me slamming my body to the ground, straddling me to keep me on the floor.

Growling I uncoil myself, twisting her arm hearing it crack under the immense pressure I had it in.

"When did you learn this?" She gasps in pain.

Smiling I release my grip standing opposite her again, "After I turned."

She shakes her head in amusement knowing that Jasper taught me.

Swinging her arm at me, I dogde efficiently. Rolling across the soil into a crouched position, one leg stuck out to support my balance.

I then outmanoeuvre her oncoming attack colliding my foot to her chest in a roundhouse kick. This sends her flying into a tree.

She huffs, pulling herself up. I let out a laugh as she sends me a harsh glare.

"Okay," she groans, "I'm done."

My smile widens knowing it's cause I beat her three times.

"Alright," I decide, "You didn't do too bad. Still you can definitely improve."

"I'm not that.." she complains following me back into the house.

The warm air blanketing me, closing the door behind Bella. I turn around and see several people standing in the living room staring up at me in awe.

"What?" I accuse, "Do I have something on my face?"

Edward chuckles, wrapping his arm around Bella's waist tightly.

A boy steps forward, Benjamin I think, Carlisle and Esme sent him from Egypt.

"When did you learn to fight like that?"

I bite my lip, "My husband taught me. Said he'd never leave me powerless. Wanted to make sure I could defend myself."

Tanya smiles squeezing my hand, "Of course he taught you."

She glances around the room, "Speaking if which, where is he? It's rare that he's not by your side, or so I'm told."

My smile falters for a second, "um..well he left with Alice and Caleb. I'm not entirely sure why, he didn't say goodbye."

Her eyes soften, pulling me over to the fireplace where my son sat. I bend down and hug Matthew as he falls asleep in front of the fire in my embrace.


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