I glare at Emmett as Jazz stares down at me in awe.

"What happened?" I mutter, placing my hand up to my head, struggling to organise my thoughts.

"You blacked out after giving birth," Carlisle explains, observing my behaviour.

I scrunch up my eyes, "Birth?"

"You don't remember?" Jasper steps forward cautiously this time, squeezing my hand reassuringly.

I shake my head, "Bits and pieces, but most of its a blur."

"Wait a minute..." A memory beaming into focus, "Wedding. Honeymoon. Pregnant. Baby. Birth. Matthew..."

My eyes snap up to the little boy wrapped in Esme's arms.

Attentively I look up at my husband and Carlisle, "Can I hold him?"

"I don't kno-" Carlisle starts before Esme steps in front of him, "Here, Sweetie."

I reach into her embrace scooping my Matthew from her arms. His head resting happily against my chest, gurgling blissfully at me.

I brush my hand delicately over his cheek, planting a soft kiss on his button nose.

"How long have I been out?" I ask still gazing at my boy in awe as he closes his eyes, falling asleep in my warm arms nuzzling him gently.

"Roughly a week. Bella gave birth a few days after you fell asleep."

"But Matthew is already talking," I blink in confusion.

Carlisle sighs, "He and Reneesme are exceptional. They have been growing at an increased rate, a theory which I think is due to vampirism."

"Matthew has grown quicker than Reneesme though," Emmett states, pointing at the bundle in Rose's arms.

I smile, "Must be because I was a vampire while Bella was still human during the pregnancy."

Carlisle contemplates this, writing in his notebook.

I however, step over to the female wolf standing in the corner of the room, "You imprinted right?"

Leah nods hesitantly.

"Will you please watch over him?" I ask.

I hand him over to her checking she supported his head properly, "Where are you going?"

"To hunt," I state simply, walking over to the window, stopping midway, entwining my hand with Jasper's, "Come with me."

"Of course, Darlin."

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

Jasper and I race through the trees, my head snapping into the direction of doe feeding quietly by a small stream.

I glance at Jasper who nods, immediately allowing me to speed off and capture my prey. I break it's neck, apologising before biting hard into its neck, devouring the warm-blooded animal.

I stand up gazing over at my husband who had been staring intently at me ever since I awakened.

A smile plays on his lips as he stares into my eyes, "It seems your eyes are already turning amber."

He steps closer to me, his finger brushing over my bottom lip. Wiping away some excess blood, licking it off his finger. I felt myself bubble with excitement as though his actions were turning me on.

"We should head ba-" Jasper mutters as I forcefully slam him up against a tree a lustful look in my eyes.

I slowly lean in, feeling him breathe on my lips, closing my eyes in desperate bliss I kiss him hard. The passion bursting out if me as Jasper spins us around kissing me back just as fast.

It was in this moment that I realised that it wasn't blood I craved but Jasper, himself.

"Darlin," he murmurs as I nibble at his neck, "We should get back. I promise we'll continue this later."

I pull away reluctantly, my face blushing as I untangle myself from Jasper's grasp.

"Later," I clarify, a mischievous glint in my eye that causes him to growl.

He then entwines his hand with mine, leading me back home, to our family. And our son.

We spot Bella confronting Jake about imprinting on Reneesme. I glance at Jazz, signaling for him to return to our family.
I, on the other hand, observe from the treeline, waiting for the opportune moment to intervene.

I rush in after she throws Seth into a tree, slamming her another tree trunk.

She instantly stands up with a pissed expression.

I grin, "Welcome back Sis. I see your awake?"

She growls at me, trying to hit Jacob again, but I stand protectively in front of him. Understanding of the imprinting process.

"Move," she demands a fresh scowl on her lips.

I shake my head, "No."

She lets out a fustrated groan, advancing towards us. I easily lock her in a chokehold, holding her up against the tree.

Edward goes to move, when I throw him a look, causing him to surrender momentarily.

"Bella..." I mumble, "You and I both know what imprinting is."

She glares at me.

I sigh, "C'mon think about it. Jake explained it to you once. You know it's about them protecting the other, and being what they want them to be."

"But Reneesme is just a baby," she counters anger replaced by fear.

I nod in understanding, "So is Matthew but you don't see me complaining."

She stares down at the floor.

"Besides Jacob knows that. He wouldn't do anything and you know it."

She sighs, her breathing becoming steady as I loosen my grip around her neck.

I step back, turning to glance at my family. A sudden weight is pushed against me and I fall to the ground with a loud thud.

Bella stands over me her glare dissolving into a humorous grin, "That's for hurting me."

I roll my eyes brushing off the dirt, "Alright, maybe I deserve that."

She nods, as I take her hand and lead her back into the house completely ignoring everyone else.

"Come meet you Nephew," I smile happily at her.


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