Chapter Forty-One

Start from the beginning

I laugh at Emmett as both Carlisle and Edward take their places. I end up taking a seat next to Rose on a nearby log, as my boyfriend walks over to Alice.

I felt someone tugging on my arm. I look up and see Emmett with a large grin on his face.

"Who do you think is going to win?"

I shrug, "Between one of my best friends and my fiancé. I don't know it could be either."

Emmett rolls his eyes, "Well, I'm putting $5 on Jasper."

"Really?" I fake shock.

"Yes, come on. Who do you think will win?" Emmett pesters me, "and don't pick Jasper just because he is you fiancé."

"Okay then..." I trail off think carefully, "I'm betting $5 on Alice. If she wins, you owe me."

The fight was pretty insane, not that I saw much of it myself. What I did see was Jasper glancing over at me, winking seductively. This causes Jazz to lose his focus, by no fault of my own. Alice then disappears from my sight. Suddenly jumping on Jasper's back holding her hand to his neck.

"Yes!" I exclaim landing on my feet happily.

I turn to Emmett smiling, "I win, hand over the money."

"Okay," he mumbles passing me my winnings.

Emmett's face falls into one of realisation, "Wait a minute. You distracted Jasper. Give me back the money," he advances towards me.

I roll my eyes, "No, we made a bet Emmett. You didn't say their were any rules."

He groans and glares at me as the others chuckle smiling.

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

I lean against the Jeep that was parked near the area everyone was practicing in.

"Jasper? Caleb?" Bella calls out, as the boys stop near me.

"Are you sure there is nothing we can do to help? " Bella asks pointing between herself and I.

Caleb shrugs, "Your presence alone, your scent will distract the newborns. Their hunting instinct will take over and drive 'em crazy."

Bella nods slowly, in deep thought, "Good. I'm glad."

Jasper reaches out for my hand, as Bella steps forward, softly calling out to them again, "Hey."

They both stop, Jasper wrapping his arm around my waist as he faces Bella.

"How do you both know so much about this?" She questions, curiousity taking over her.

I notice the brothers share a small glance.

Jasper gulps loudly, "My brother and I didn't have the same upbringing as our adopted siblings."

I nod gently, as he carefully rolls up his sleeves. I inadvertently stare at his arms as he reveals hundreds of different bites. I sense Jasper looking over at me, as I reach out beginning to trace one with my finger.

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