"Emily, what are you doing?" I ask Alice complain, a horrified look covering her features.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, as I start walking down the stairs, in my red dress.

"We're not ready for you yet," Alice complains, as she quickly speeds around the room completing all the finishing touches.

I shrug, reaching the bottom of the staircase, pulling Rose into a hug.

"Happy Birthday," she whispers into my ear.

I smile, "Thanks Rose."

My eyes search the room for Jasper, falling onto his figure hovering in the corner of the room by the piano.

I beam with happiness when his Topaz eyes meet my brown ones. He was dressed in a simple fashion; black jeans and a long-sleeved navy blue top.

I gently walk over to Jasper, holding out my hand. He gratefully takes it and pulls me into a side hug, placing a delicate kiss on my cheek.

My eyes then catch the large cake in the corner of the room, "Really, Alice?"

She shrugs.

"You know I'm not a huge fan of cake, especially since I don't like icing," I comment.

She smiles at me, "That's why, I got you a smaller cake. It's a Victoria Sponge."

My lips twitch up into a large smile, "I was worried for a second that you didn't know me at all."

She shakes her head, quickly disappearing upstairs to retrieve my sister.

I look up and wave at Bella when I see her at the top of the staircase, Alice dragging her along while Edward silently follows behind.

"We tried to reign Alice in," Carlisle explains, walking up to Bella, offering me a smile.

"If that were even possible," Esme replies giggling, pulling Bella into a tight hug, before reaching out for my embrace.

I smile hugging her as she congratulates us, "Happy birthday girls."

"Thank you," we say together.

I roll my eyes at Bella, "we've got to stop doing that."

The room fills with warm sounds of laughter, as I stand next to Rose, linking her arm with mine.

"Dating an older women," Emmett says to Edward, "nice."

I shake my head in disbelief as I catch Bella's annoyed expression, so I pick up a book close me and whack Emmett on the back of the head, "Shut up, Emmett."

Edward cracks a smile, as does the rest of the family. Emmett rubs his head, pretending to be hurt, as Rose secretly high fives me laughing loudly.

Rose then hands me my gift, after stating to Bella what was in her box.

"I picked your gift out, it's those earrings we saw last weekend, that match an outfit that you have at home, you know which one," she smiles boldly.

"Thank you, Rose," I pull her into a tight hug.

Alice then pulls Jasper over to me, snapping several photos, before flashing the camera at Edward and Bella.

Alice then hands me a gift, "It's from Emmett for you and Bella."

I shake the box carefully, listening to nothing. I furrow my eyebrows, glancing over at Emmett who looks extremely smug and proud.

"Already installed it in the truck, finally a decent sound system for that piece of cra-" Emmett says.

"Hey, don't hate the truck," Bella cuts Emmett off.

I nod in agreement, throwing the empty box over to Emmett who catches it with ease.

"Open Esme and Carlisle's present," Alice says to Bella, handing her a small envelope.

"Just a little something to brighten your day," Carlisle says.

"You've been looking kind of pale lately," Esme said.

I roll my eyes at this, as Bella starts fiddling around with the paper.

I catch my breath when Bella accidentally get a small paper cut. There was barely any blood but the loud snarling from behind me causes my eyes to widen as I snap back into reality.

The entire room falls into a tense atmosphere, as both Jasper and Caleb stares at the tiny drop of blood falling from Bella's finger.

Jasper speeds in front of me, his eyes black as coal as he stares hungry at me. Fear escapes my system as I replace it with anger, projecting my feeling onto him in hopes that I can knock him out of this frenzy, before he hurts me again.

Jasper grips the his hand into a tight fist, slamming it hard into the wall by the side of my head, guilt flashing through his eyes, as he immediately speeds out of the room.

I stare at the ground, looking extremely confused. The adrenaline pumping around my body. I feel cold hands gently wrap around my waist, pulling me closely to them.

"It's just a little blood, Caleb," I hear Alice soothing Caleb. I snap my eyes up and realise that the amount of blood was no longer small, but almost everywhere.

Bella had been thrown into a glass vanity, and had cut her arm.

Emmett and Alice pull Caleb out of the room, as Rose holds onto my tightly as I start to hyperventilate in her arms, while she speeds me out of the room.


Our Forever |J. Hale & E. Swan|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें