"What happened?" I ask, my voice slightly horse.

Esme rushes over handing me a glass of water, I take a sip letting the cool liquid trickle down my throat.

"Well?" I spoke again since nobody answered me.

Carlisle sighs, "We killed James and made it in time to save Bella, but we were not expecting you to be in hospital along with her."

He lifts up a light and shines it into my eyes, causing me to groan and the brightness

"You don't seem to have concussion but you should take it easy. You hit your head pretty hard, I had to put a few stitches in but it should heal completely in the next few weeks," he said to me.

I gave him a small smile, "thank you."

Jasper stands in the corner of the room, furthest away from me, while Rose moves over to hold my hand.

"So how's my family?" I ask.

"They are next door with Bella, she just woke up, your mums in there talking to her," Caleb says.

"What are they talking about?" I ask, smiling.

"About how you and Bella should move to Jacksonville," Rose answers.

My smile falls instantly.

"But Bella's refusing, she said to her mum that there is no point in asking you to move," Alice says, smiling at me.

"Well it's nice to know that Bella gets me. There is no point in my mum asking me to move anyway," I say.

"Why?" Emmett asks.

"I prefer it there, way more than I should but I'm finally happy, she won't take that away from me," I answer.

"You know you should go, that way I won't hurt you again," Jasper says speaking up for the first time.

I shake my head, "Maybe I should, but I'm not going to let this affect the way I feel about you."

He looks down ashamed of his actions.

"I refuse to give up, just because we hit an obstacle along the way," I explain, flashing an affectionate smile towards him.

"I tried to kill you and your not afraid of me in the slightest," Jasper says, slightly angry, more with himself than of me.

I shrug, "I'm only human Jasper. I know that you could kill me in a split second, but I trust you, more than I probably should. I know deep down that you would never intentionally hurt me."

He stays quiet.

"I'm not in the mood to fight with you right now," I whisper, turning over and trying to get some sleep before I get discharged.

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

After hours of complaining, I finally make it out of the hospital flying home with Bella and Dad.

I sat next to Bella, squeezing her hand. She offers a small smile.

"You know, I can't believe that we almost died," she whispers.

I sigh, "I know, I wasn't sure what was going to happen."

"What do you mean?" She asks me.

I shrug, "I saw you dying Bella, you were turning into a vampire, it made me really think about whether I should become one, one day."

Bella nods, "I'm a little upset that Edward didn't let the venom spread through me, if he did I would be a vampire right now, but I'm glad that he didn't because I realised that as much as I want to be a vampire I wouldn't be able to live without you."

I'm slightly surprised that I meant more to her than Edward, but still grateful that she wouldn't just abandon me for Edward.

"Bells I don't know what to say, except thank you." I whisper softly.

She smiles.

"I want you to know that I'm still very conflicted about the topic. But it's nice to know that you won't leave me behind to be with Edward forever," I say hugging her tightly.

"You mean so much more to me than Edward, we will always have a strong bond with each other," Bella says.

"Let's make a promise," I say to Bella, she gives a slightly confused look.

"Okay," she replies, hesitant.

"We both almost died a few days ago and I want to make sure that no matter what happens that we both are there for each other no matter what, that we don't become vampires alone, we go through everything together, forever," I say to her.

She smiles.

"Do you promise?" I ask her.

"I promise," she answers.


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