"Perfect," Rose scowls.

Bella shivers slightly under Rose's glare, "Yeah it's just I know you guys don't eat."

Everyone stops cooking and moves towards Bella and Edward.

Esme smiles warmly, "of course. It's very considerate of you."

Edward then whispers into Bella's ear, "Just ignore Rosalie, I do."

Rose scoffs loudly, "Yeah let's just keep pretending that this isn't dangerous for all of us," referring to the situation of Bella and I being human.

"I would never tell anybody anything,"Bella states, as her eyes widen.

"She knows that," Carlisle replies softly.

"Yeah well the problem is that you two have gone public now, so," Emmett says, before Rosalie cuts in.

"No, she should know, the entire family will be implicated if this ends badly," she says to Bella.

"Badly as in I would become the meal," Bella says looking uncomfortable as well as unsure.

Everyone laughs at this except Rosalie, but I did see her smile.

I grin at Bella, "Really Bells," rolling my eyes at her.

She just glares at me.

Then I hear Alice speak, "Hi Bella."

She skips over, holding a small bouquet of flowers in her hand.

"I'm Alice," she states as she walks right up to Bella and gives her a hug, before moving back, "Oh you do smell good."

Edward looks at her throwing the 'what the hell' face, "Alice, what are you-"

"It's okay, Bella and I are going to be great friends," Alice cuts Edward off.

"Hello Bella," Caleb says awkwardly, next to Jasper.

Everyone then stands in silence looking at Jasper, until Carlisle speaks up.
"Sorry, Jasper's our newest vegetarian, it's a little difficult for him."

Bells flickers her eyes over to me, causing me to sigh.

Jasper notices and steps forward slightly, hovering close to me, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Alice then calms him slightly by saying, "it's okay Jasper, you won't hurt them."

I frown at this, was he worried he'd hurt me.

Edward follows the expressions around the room and instantly starts leading Bella out of the room, "Alright, I'm gonna take her on a tour of the rest of the house."

"Well, I'll see you soon," Alice says to Bella, hope evident in her voice.

"Okay," Bella replies before looking at me, "By Em."

"By Bells, have fun," I say winking at her.

She just glares at me again, before disappearing out of the room.

Our Forever |J. Hale & E. Swan|Where stories live. Discover now