I stare at her in horror.

Emmett sees my face and laughs again, "what's wrong Swan, don't want to get wet?"

I roll my eyes at him, "it's not that, but, walking really, I mean the last time I went hiking was with Bella and well......you get the idea."

"I won't let anything happen to you," Jasper says, catching my eyes briefly, before I look down with a flushed face.

He holds his breathe a little, before smiling at my response.

Alice skips up to me, "Let's go."

She loops her arm with mine and drags me outside.

"Shouldn't I take a jacket, or something?" I ask, since I'm just in a t-shirt and jeans.

"You can wear this," I hear Jasper whisper, holding up a grey hoody.

I smile grateful, taking it from him. I put it on and frown slightly, noticing how big it was. I roll up the sleeves to make sure it fit better. I then smile at Alice and she pulls me off outside, Rose at my side too, smiling widely at me.

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

After what felt like hours we finally arrived at this extraordinary spot, deep within the forest

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After what felt like hours we finally arrived at this extraordinary spot, deep within the forest. Smiling, I walk forward dipping my hand in the water, surprised at the sudden warmth.

I turn to them, shock filling my face, "This place is beautiful."

Alice grins, as she slips of her shoes, popping them to the side along with her clothes. She turns to me in a black bikini, gesturing for me to do the same.

I glance at the others and see that they are already in the water, having a splash war.

I bit my lip extremely hesitant. Alice's warmth encouragement, managed to help me build up enough confidence. I slowly took off my jeans and my sneakers, leaving my top on. Alice frowns at me, causing me to sigh, as I pull the fabric over my head. I then discard it next to my other clothes.

She then grins at me, handing me a hair tie, letting me pull my hair up into a messy bun.

I walk over to the edge, about to get in when I feel a slight push from behind me. I then fall forward into the water, my entire body going under. I gasp loudly as I break through the water, taking a deep breathe. I turn to whoever pushed me and saw Emmett laughing with water dripping from his hair. I glare at him, turning over to Rose, she smiles at me, as I flap my arms somewhat gracefully to keep me a float. I then swim over to her, gripping hold of the rocks, as we watched the boys mess around.

I wrap my hands around my waist, in an attempt to cover my dark blue costume, feeling rather self conscious.

I sensed Jasper looking at me, from a far. I look up and meet his eyes, getting absorbed into his bright topaz eyes. He offers a small smile before disappearing. Confused I turn to my left and see him right next to me. I furrow my eyebrows noticing that Alice and Rose had made their way over to Emmett and Caleb, leaving me alone with Jasper.

I smile at him, as he stands next to me. I suddenly felt a cold arm wrap it's way around my waist pulling me closer, I had a feeling it was Jasper and failed miserable in hiding my blush.

"You look beautiful," he whispers gently into my ear, causing me to flush even more as the warm feeling arose inside me again.

I smile, leaning into his cold embrace, letting our feelings take over for a few moments until he swam away, leaving me alone. A part of me gone, as it went away with him when he left.

Rose smiles at me, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I roll my eyes and splash her precious hair.

She glares at me, water dripping down her face, causing me to giggle in response.


Our Forever |J. Hale & E. Swan|Where stories live. Discover now