Rosalie stands up abruptly, turning her attention to the honey blonde, "What's your problem?"

Jasper avoids eye contact with his family, "I don't have one."

"Clearly you do mate," Emmett says.

"Jasper, son, why do you not want to Emily to know?" Carlisle asks in a curious tone.

Jasper remains silent, feeling surprised that they haven't figured it out yet.

"Jasper, honey, please tell us, maybe we can help you," Esme asks calmly.

"HELP ME!" Jasper laughs darkly, "I doubt you would be able to help me in this situation. We all know who has the least self control here."

Alice furrows her eyebrows, as she is pulled into a vision, her facial features falling into an understanding.

"I don't understand," Emmett asks confused.

"Neither do I," Jasper mutters, "I have this weird pull towards her. One where I can't quite decide if I want to kill her or cherish her forever."

Everyone's eyes widen as the whole room goes silent, the truth clicking in their minds.

Jasper sighs and gently places his head into his hands, before briefly looking up at his family, anxiety filling his face.

"I don't want to hurt her," Jasper mutters.

Caleb squints his eyes, "She's your mate isn't she."

Jasper shrugs in response, clearly unsure of what he's feeling.

"You think that she is also your blood singer?" Edward questions softly reading his thoughts.

Jasper nods slowly, looking up at Edward.

Edward shakes his head, "Jasper if she was, there is no doubt that you would have already realised this. I mean I noticed the first day that I met Bella. Her scent was overwhelming."

Carlilse observes his son, "maybe, but there is a chance that her personality and beauty has distracted Jasper from noticing."

Unsure of his theory he turns to Alice, "Alice, do you know anything?"

Alice nods softly, "Jasper I have seen her future."

Everyone goes quiet.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Jasper mutters.

Alice smiles, "sometimes some things are better left to unravel in their own way."

"What did you see?" Rosalie asks.

"I saw her meeting Jasper for the first time in their history lesson earlier this week. I knew straight away that she was your mate," Alice explains, "However, you're right, I've seen the future and she is your Blood Singer too. And on top of that I recognised something that I've only ever seen once in my lifetime."

"And what's that?" Jasper inquires.

She smiles at him, "Soulmates. It's very rare, it means that you've been drawn to each other, even before you met. Remember 17 years ago when you came to talk to me about the Unknown feeling you had?"

He nods, "it was as though my heart had started beating again for a few minutes."

"That's because she had just been born."

Esme looks over, "Wait, are you saying that Jasper felt it, that he knew her there and then."

"For those brief minutes, you were bonded to each other and from then on it was only a matter of time before you would finally meet," Alice says.

The shock was written on everyone's faces, but for Jasper it seemed like deep down he already knew this information since the pull between the two teens was stronger than he had anticipated.

Rosalie turns to Jasper, "If this is true then she deserves to know. I mean she'll figure it out eventually. She won't be able to stay away from you."

Alice nods, "It won't take her long to figure it out. She knew from the moment we met that something was different about me, about us.'

Jasper sighs, "But what if she tells Bella?"

Edward shares a look with Jasper, "I don't want Bella to know, but it's different for you. You've been alone longer than I have brother, you deserve to be happy."

Jasper scoffs, standing up and storming out of the room.

  »»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------«« 

Emily's PoV

Free period had finally made it's way around and I located Alice and Rose standing by their car.

"You ready?" I ask.

Rose nods, "We want to take you shopping before you come around to our house."

I smile, "Then what are we waiting for."

Alice grins as I slip into the back seat.


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