She cracks a grin and replies, "You are something else Em," shaking her head giggling.

My lips twitch up in response as I laugh along with her.

I then place my hand on the handle, pulling it hard, opening the car door. I jump into the cold environment, wrapping my blazer tightly around my body. I turn around and pick up my bag lugging it over my back. I grab a hold of the door and slam it shut, jumping at the loud noise that echoes as it clicks shut.

Bella walks over to me and scans the scene in front of us. I start to feel anxious and uncomfortable and so link my arm with Bella's dragging her across the car lot.

As we walk by I notice a group of strangers standing closely by their cars. I could sense a different vibe coming from them, it made me feel complete, like I had a connection to all of them. I shake my head and glance over at Bella who is gawking at them.

I hit her shoulder and elbow her in the ribs, "Hey Bells, will you quite staring at them, they are probably gonna think we're stalkers or something! And I can't have people thinking we're stalkers, okay," I ramble.

I move forward, but sneak one more look at the strangers, I catch them smiling and chuckling to each other as if they had just heard what I had said.


"Sorry Em," she replies embarrassment covering her face.

I give her a small smile, "It's okay."

We fall into a comfortable silence as we enter the school.

"Look can we go find reception now, I really don't want to be here any longer than I have to," I state gently with a hint of irritation cracking through.

"Sure lets go."

She then pulls me down the corridor, guiding us to reception, following the signs plastered on the walls.

  »»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------«« 

I walk into the office Bella right behind me, approaching an older lady sat at a desk.

"Hello girls, how can I help you?" She asks politely.

" sister and I are new here. We've come to get our timetables," I answer.

"What are your names?"

"Bella and Emily Swan," Bella replies pointing at me.

The lady nods before turning away to retrieve our timetables.

She returns a few minutes later, handing them over to us.

"Here you go girls, make sure you get every teacher to sign the slip attached to your timetables, then return that slip back to me at the end of the day before you go home. Enjoy and welcome to Forks High," she said sounding very happy.

I cringe at her response, seeing as it was way too cheerful for a place like this.

"Thank you," I nod, walking out into the corridor.

There, I quickly check my timetable.

I look up at Bella with an irritated look, "Shame we don't have all the same lessons, would be nice to sit with someone I know and not some stranger, who I will be forced to socialise with

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I look up at Bella with an irritated look, "Shame we don't have all the same lessons, would be nice to sit with someone I know and not some stranger, who I will be forced to socialise with."

Bella rolls her eyes, "Em it will be fine, we have 1st, 3rd and 5th periods together, I think that's enough time to be with each other don't you think?"

I frown but nod gently.

"Plus you can be really annoying," she chips in.

I make a face, poking my tongue out at her.

"Come on let's go Bells or we will be late," I say linking my arm with hers, dragging her down the corridor.


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