◂the purge » inotorious.

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hey, y'all, it's been a while since i've updated but to be honest, i completely forgot about this story. don't worry, i will try to update more soon! i've also noticed the number of errors i made in my one-shots, i apologize as whenever i write, i miss words or sentence's i thought i added in previously, please forgive meeeee. anyways, i hope you enjoy this gory one-shot, peace.



The Purge. Something you wouldn't expect to become a reality. So, therefore, the end finally comes in the local home belonging to (Y/N) in the USA. Her boyfriend, Matt came down a week prior to keep the girl company on this decrepit day. A day which was feared by both the Americans. It would've been easier to just get (Y/N) to head to Australia where it was safe. Yet, she had a family to protect. Her younger brother and sister, Bryce and Evelyn, as well as her mother. Her mother had been diagnosed with some sort of sickness which had been affecting her health and wellbeing. This day was the day she was dreading most. This could be the day of her death or the day she watched her kids perish in front of her. The house they were staying in was quite a small house. It was expensive and enough to hold 3 bedrooms. That's all the Kim family really needs. They had a security system that was easily tracked on their mobile and the lot of them would be camping out in the basement.

The loud, undesired alarm went off blaring through the neighbourhood. The family went into full operation mode. Matt swiftly pulled off the carpet that hid the small trapdoor that led into the basement as Bryce and Evelyn hurried up and grabbed their backpacks. As for (Y/N), she was busy helping her mother, out of her room where she had been cooped up in and down the long row of stairs. "Come on, Ma... We aren't too far..." Matt hurried the two younger siblings inside before rushing upstairs to help (Y/N) and her mother down the hatch. The three of them could already hear the ear-piercing, blood-curdling screams from outside which made their stomachs twist anxiously. They finally reached the hatch, stumbling inside. (Y/N) managed to close the hatch with the mat still on top. The group was finally safe for now. Matt let out a sigh of relief, "If we stay here till the morning, we should be okay..." He mumbled towards his girlfriend. "What if someone finds us?..." She murmurs, unobtrusively so her siblings couldn't hear. Matt frowned, trailing his fingertips up (Y/N)'s sides before snaking his arms around her waist pulling her in closer. "Baby... We'll be fine if we are in here." (Y/N) swallowed the lump forming in her throat. "Promise?" She managed to choke out through her anxiety. Matt gave her a warm smile. "There's no way, I'm letting some assholes touch you or your family." (Y/N) couldn't help but crack a small smile, embracing the boy tightly. "Thank you for accompanying me this year..." She mumbled into his slightly built chest. Matt smiled down at her, running his fingers through the girl's soft locks. "Of course... There is no way I'm leaving you here alone." (Y/N) nuzzled his chest before breaking away from the warm embrace to check on her family. Her mother sat on top of the old rusted couch with a blanket wrapped around her, she was fiddling with an old radio, trying to get it to work. As for the youngers, they were sitting on a single bed mattress playing a board game of some sort. "Come on, let's try to relax..." Matt hummed softly, gently gripping onto (Y/N)'s hand. (Y/N) nodded lightly, allowing matt to lead her to the two sleeping bags that had been set up beside the mattress. They made themselves comfortable pulling out their weapons, placing them to the side. (Y/N) carried a small pistol with just enough amount of ammo as well as a dagger that belonged to her father. Matt carried around a large bat, wrapped around in barbed wire as well as a couple of knives. The two youngers were giving little pocket knives that were only to be used in emergencies. As for (Y/N)'s mother, she had "the big gun." Now, she may be old and sick, but when it came to battle she was stronger than any other adult. It was like she wasn't sick or on her death bed.

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