◂cute smile » kryoz.

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firstly, before reding it'd be great for you to read or re-read 'new boy' as this is a part two and secondly- his is definitely not one of my best works- I was having a lot of writers block and if i am being honest, I am not really a hardcore fan at the moment. I've been getting into other youtubers, like my appreciation for vanoss an his friends (except mini) has exploded again and I even have a draft for a potential story (which i explained in my last one-shot.) I really hope the few people that read my book is enjoying it so far, I appreciate the fact that I have almost 3000 reads which is honestly shocking!! I hope ya enjoy my next one-shot even if it's not the best, peace.



(Y/N) being the best person out there, decided to invite the new boy to hang out with her and friends at lunch. John had put it off the firt week of school as he was very anxious to meet new people but this time, John was eager to join not for the fact he was lonely, but "wanted to show the ladies his epic meme energy". (Y/N) seemed to really like John. They both shared the taste for qualities memes and video games. They even traded discords to play together in the future. The two were really starting to click. John opened up about his life, he was originally born in Missouri but moved to Oregon with his family as his grandma was extremely ill and couldn't look after herself anymore. He also had an older sister, who finished high school by now but moved close to her grandmas to visit. (Y/N) also learnt that John had a small YouTube channel with little over 1000 subscribers who watched him game and make commentary with his friends. That gave (Y/N) a lot of interest in John and she was keen to learn more about him. The more the to talked to each other, ignoring the fact they still have 10 minutes left of class yet, the more they felt a connection towards each other. 

10 minutes of jokes and getting to know each other passed and the bell went. the two went their separate ways to their next period. All throughout (Y/N)'s class her mind was on the dorky new boy, John. They way his hair was died such a bright, but gorgeous colour. His voice was always so calm, his personality was amazing. But, what (Y/N) adored most, was his smile. Whenever he smiled, it made the young teenage girl giggle. 

Class soon finished and(Y/N) was exited for lunch. She met up with John at his locker and he grins at her. "Wazzup," he says, popping the 'p', slamming his locker shut. They then head to (Y/N)'s locker where her three other friends stood waiting for her. One noticed the slightly dazed girl before noticing the cute boy beside her and nudged at the other two. "oh my god, the new boy!" (Y/N)'s friend exclaimed which was definitely loud enough for John to hear. His cheeks heated up and he moved slightly closer to (Y/N). She giggled at his antiques, she never saw John to be the shy and flustered type, but she thought it was cute on him. Her friends raced over to the two, swooning over him asking him questions, curious as to why he came to Oregon. (Y/N) huffs, but smiles. "This is John." John managed to compose himself and gives the girls his charming smirk. "Hi." He speaks, calmly. "(Y/N), he's cute." "Oi, you say that with every guy you know," (Y/N) says, rolling her eyes. John chuckles, "They're not wrong." Two of (Y/N)' friends introduced themselves while. (Y/N) followed behind as one of her friends nudged (Y/N). "Is he single? He's really cute." (Y/N) shrugged, those words made her uncomfortable. "You reckon I should give it a shot?" He friend asks again. (Y/N) scowls, "let him get accustomed to this place." her friend huffs, letting out a small whine. 

Upon arriving to the Cafeteria, John felt a lot more comfortable, getting to know (Y/N)'s friends. They were all friendly to him. They spoke about so much and they all planned to hang out after school. (Y/N) and her friends learnt of a few of John's friends who made YouTube videos with him. "I've always wanted to be a YouTuber..." (Y/N) mumbled. That made John grin, "You should join one of our sessions, my friends would love you!" (Y/N) blushes, giggling softly. "You think so?" She asks softly. "(Y/N), you're literally the best person we know, of course thy would!" One of her friends exclaimed with a grin, her other friends agree. (Y/N) grew extremely flustered, covering her face with her arms trying t conceal her large grin. "Shut the fuck up..." She mumbled. The group of friends laugh. "They aren't wrong," John spoke up smirking with a coy expression. (Y/N) huffs tying to conceal her flustered face with a neutral expression, "I-I'll think about it..." she stammered out quietly. John smiles widely, "Great!" He exclaims with excitement. 

The bell soon went and (Y/N) went to her class with one of her friends. "He totally likes you!!!" She grins at (Y/N) with a certain tone. (Y/N) scoffs, "No, he doesn't..." Her friends words made her blush and butterflies grew in her stomach. "He's just trying to be nice... That's what everyone does." In the passed, (Y/N) struggled with her relationships. She' usually have a horrible taste in men and chose boys who played with her heart. Her friend scoffs, "John feels different, he seems so much more genuine to us... Why don't you see where it goes?" she asks and (Y/N) shrugs. "I guess, I'll try." Her friend grins, "great! Now, lets finish this hell of a period. The next to periods she had with her friend which was quite relaxing. Her teachers weren't so strict and just let the class finish off work. (Y/N) spent most her time chatting away with her friend before a voice spoke up. "(Y/N) has a crush on the new boy~ What would happen if he found out?" The fake snobby voice belonged to none other than Tiana Smith. The bitch of this decrepit place. (Y/N)'s heart stopped at her words. Playing it cool (Y/N)'s friend scoffs, "get your nose out of it, Smith." She scoffs, "(Y/N) only just met him." Tiana smirks, "you're so full of shit, the both of you are." (Y/N) chewed on her lower lip silently while (Y/N)'s friend continued to protect her from Tiana's words. She despised Tiana, more than anything. Tiana snickers at (Y/N)'s friends words, scoffing before turning away. (Y/N) sighs, "I'm fucked... I don't think I like him- like him... But i do... care about him..." Class went by slowly and was spent with (Y/N) earning a couple of snickers from Tiana and her friends and (Y/N)'s friend scowling at her when bursts of laughter would occur. The bell finally rang for second lunch, though (Y/N) spent it staring down at her uneaten lunch, her anxiety was all over the place. Her friends were worried and would continue to glance at (Y/N) while they spoke. John frowns over at her. "Are you okay?" He asks. (Y/N) shrugs, "yeah..." she mumbles. John didn't believe her, but (Y/N) was too ashamed to admit she was growing feelings on the cute boy, the first week of knowing him. (Y/N) wasn't one to believe in "love at first sight", so it shocks her with the fond emotions towards him. (Y/N) sighs, earning glances from her friends. "I'm sorry, guys." Her friends frown. "It's okay, as long as you know we are here for you, it's okay." (Y/N) nods, forcing a small smile. John smiles, "there's that cute smile of yours~" He cooed, sweetly. (Y/N) blushes looking away trying to hide her smile. "nooo," she whines and everyone could admit how cute she was. "Pshh, it's true silly!" They made (Y/N) giggle, her friends words really helped bring a smile to her face and the group continued to speak and try to bring a gleaming smile on (Y/N)'s face. 

The last two periods went on quickly and the group of friends met up after school. Though after school, Tiana and her bitches were there two. There was a small crowd around her and when she noticed (Y/N), John and their friends she spoke. "I'm here to announce the crush our friend (Y/N) here has on the new boy!" She starts making (Y/N), John and her friends gasp. Tiana turns to (Y/N) and smirks. "Is there anything you want to say?" She asks her with a snicker. Eyes went on (Y/N) and overwhelmed by the situation, (Y/N) ran. Her anxiety had finally exploded and after running down and turning into a street out of their sights she halted, hunched forward hands on her knees as she continued to cough. This always happened, whenever she meets someone new, Tiana would find out how to ruin it in no time. It killed (Y/N) so much, she's lost too many people. A hand rested on her back gently which caused to jolt forward in fright. "Hey, hey it's only me." It was John. (Y/N) gulped, slowly turning to him. "Back there- it's n-n-not what it looks like- Tiana- she's always trying t-to-" John suddenly lent forward placing a small kiss on (Y/N)'s cheek. "You're cute." He smiles brightly at the girl who stood their frozen, flustered in place. "Now, why don't we find the others, yeah?" He held out his hand for (Y/N) and slowly, reluctantly grabbed his hand before smiling softly. "Okai." With a smile, the two headed off to find the other three girls, hand in hand.


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