vingt quatre

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Soldiers from the Demon realm stood tall at the gates, although Felix ordered for the strongest to be the ones at the front, Chan suggested that most of the troops are present. The Empire might feel mocked with only presenting them with half an army to fight with. Soon chanting and the armies of the Empire was heard. They stood tall on the whitest cloud that could possibly existed with of course their Emperor at the very front.
Felix flew in his dragon form in front of his army. His body glowed, showing his figure standing side by side with Aiko in a hologram appearance. Jisungs expression darkened.
"Return Aiko and there will be no bloodshed" Jisung bargained as Felix flew up, meeting Jisung's figure.
"I'm sorry brother, Aiko and I are wedded" he calmly explained.
"You have stolen the Bride of the Emperor! You have committed treason!" He shouted.
"Let's settle this like brothers, one on one. We don't need to drag innocent lives to our petty fight! You of all people should understand that!" Felix argued, Jisung's eyes alternated from a dark colour to his natural eye colour making Felix frown.
"Fine lets settle this like brothers" Jisungs voice was dark. Dark as coal and as rough as a tigers tongue. "Up on the hill. Me, you , our brothers and Aiko." Within a second, he teleported. Felix followed along with everyone to the top of the hill.
Felix arrived first, then followed by Aiko and his brothers.
"You take my crown when I'm older than you! You take my best friend when I've known her since we were kids! And now you take my my bride?!? What else are you going to take?" Jisung yelled.
"I didn't want the crown in the first place!!" Felix shot back. "Jisung I tried not to fall for her! You know I tried!! I wanted you to get at least what you deserved! Call me selfish but I love her and I'll fight for her until I die!" Felix drew his sword.
"Then lets make this a battle till death then. The last man standing, gets to keep Aiko" Jisung smirked. Jisung himself couldn't beat Felix, but with the power of an underling, anything is possible. The two started charging towards one another, both wielding their swords at each other.
After a while of countless charges and attacks, the two broke apart.
"You're not Jisung" Felix puffed out. Soon Jisung's body peeled off a terrifying figure. It's eyes were green, horns as large as a rhinos horn and it's body was muscular that's covered in fur.
"Smart Boy but I thought you'd be more quicker" Naoki chuckled. Changbin and Minho ran to Jisung's weak body, dragging it to their side.
"" he whispered.
"Shh don't talk" Minho hushed his younger, allowing him to rest. Just like Aiko,Naoki had the power of the snow, he punched the ground that soon was covered in ice. Everything froze as it over came anything, including Felix and his brothers. For some reason, both Chan and Jisung along with Aiko were unaffected but they pretended to be.
"Oh sweet Aiko. You know very well that we're both too dangerous to be involved with love." He mocked. Soon, a spear made of ice appeared in his hand. It glimmered an emerald green colour. Felix knew that once it hits him, it's over for him, his weakness was of course the one and only the emerald crystal that ever existed. This particular Crystal could only be used once and never again. Naoki threw the spear, Aiko ran towards Felix shielding him front the flying spear only to be pushed over by a strong force. the spear pierced near his heart.
"HYUNG!!" Felix called out, his tears started to fall watching his older brother fall to the ground. Although being extremely strong, the reason Chan couldn't inherit the throne was because he was no longer an immortal after his ascension had failed. Despite having the life of the dragon, he was merely a human.
"Remember what I told you." Chan muttered under his breath.
"Channie" Aiko sniffled. "Why?"
"I'll be okay love, keep fighting!" He calmly smiled.
"Awe puppy love. How disgusting" Naoki glances at Aiko who was on the ground with her eyes widened seeing her role model die in front of her eyes.
Naoki held his hand out, twisting as if it was suffocating Aiko. She stood up but soon froze, suddenly she couldn't move an inch of her body.
"Since I couldn't kill Felix, it's his turn to watch you die" he chucked. All eyes widened, they knew that once she dies, every underling as evil as Naoki would be released.
Naoki turned his hand, creating a mixed ball of fire, ice and every bit of his energy. He threw the ball towards his sister, Aiko shut her eyes, waiting for the impact but instead she felt arms around her. Once she opened her eyes, the strong force that had froze her body had vanished along with the brothers. She noticed the squirrel getting weaker.
"Sungie" She cupped his cheeks. "No, no not you too. I promised to fix you"
"And you did. You've released me." She connected their foreheads as she sobbed.
"why? Why did you do it? I'm not ready and you know that"
"Hey hey, don't cry. Keep your chin up, otherwise the crown falls my queen." He hiccuped as he held onto her chin, bringing it up "and like I said I'd die for you" he smiled weakly, his eyes fluttered closed, his hand that met her chin fell towards the ground.
Tears streamed down Aiko's face.
Anger. Sadness. Revenge. Grief. Guilt.
Fire, burning everything it touched.
Ice, freezing everything in its way.
Aiko's eyes began changing to different colours startling everyone.
Aiko let out a high pitched shriek, screaming every bit of emotion she felt. Creating a blizzard that's hotter than the sun. Naoki covered his ears in pain. The others just took this as an opportunity to attack him, not forgetting that their energy and immortalities are linked. When one gets hit, the other one feel. When the other dies, the other would die too. Felix stood behind Aiko, transferring his energy as they attacked Naoki but soon, everything around them turned white.

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