
Start from the beginning

Your and F/n's dress: (you can change the color, yours is on the left side. You guys are wearing boots).

I was going to the kitchen to cook lunch when I found out that we were out of firewood and vegetables

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I was going to the kitchen to cook lunch when I found out that we were out of firewood and vegetables. F/n came in and noticed we were out of firewood. She wrote on her notepad and gave it to me.

'I'll go get firewood, you'll pick up the vegetables for lunch' it says, I shook my head. I gave her back her notepad and sighed. Knowing that once f/n decides on something there's no stopping her. We went out with me holding a basket while she has her daggers strapped to her belt for protection. She jogged to the woods which is not far. I know she won't get lost because we put up silk ribbons on branches that leads us home. We also tied bioluminescent stones to the ribbons for when it's nighttime. Once she was out of sight, I started picking herbs and vegetables.

???'s PoV

We do not recognize this part of Middle Earth before. We were following some silk ribbons with shining stones tied to some of the branches of the oak trees, Mithrandir suggested that we should follow it that it might in case lead us to someone. I and the others agreed for we are a little tired than usual. As we followed the trail, we saw a young woman, her back facing us. She was gathering firewood, quietly humming as she did so. She suddenly stopped moving but didn't make a sound. She was so fast that we couldn't see her throw the dagger as it stuck to the trunk right above my head, hearing a gasp, it came from the girl. She quickly took out a notepad and wrote something on it. She shown it to us and it said.

'Im so sorry! I didn't mean it! I thought you were an orc or something!' It said. Before I could respond, Gandalf already answered for me.

"It's alright my dear. Are you mute?" Gandalf asked and the f/h/c girl nodded. She seemed young she wore a black blouse and a dark red skirt and brown boots.
Galadriel, Thranduil, Celeborn and I observed the girl.

"Are you alone here little one?" Galadriel asked. The girl shook her head and began writing on the notepad again.

'No.. I live here with my friend. She's at home and I bet she's already done picking up vegetables. Also my name is f/n. But my friend calls me f/n/n'

"Only you and your friend?" Thranduil said in disbelief. I can see in his eyes as he held curiosity for the girl. Once again f/n nodded and wrote again.

'You guys must be tired. Come with me, I'll lead you guys to the cottage' She wrote.

We can clearly trust her based from what she looks like and on her information, she followed the silk ribbons on the branches and we reached upon a clearing with a small white cottage with a style I have never seen before. They had a shed for horses just near it and that's where we stalled them. Surprisingly, f/n watered our horses and fed them apples and little white cubes which she called 'sugar cubes' and another surprise, Thranduil had helped her. I think she had taken interest in the young girl.

She suddenly stopped and wrote again on the pad.

'I forgot to ask, what are your names?'

"I am Lord Elrond of Rivendell, these are my companions.." I gestured to them.

"My name is King Thranduil of Mirkwood, it is a pleasure gurell vin..." Thranduil said as he kissed the knuckles of the girl which made her blush bright red.

"And I am Gandalf the Grey, these two are lady Galadriel and lord Celeborn of Lothlorien.." Gandalf announced for the couple. They nodded and f/n bowed.

'It's a pleasure to meet you all, your majesties..' She wrote again. Thranduil shakes his head and smiled a real smile to the girl. Not a smirk but a smile. I frowned internally, lucky Celeborn and lucky Thranduil. That's when I thought I heard a sweet voice.

"F/n? Is that you..?" A voice called out, we heard a gasp and we turned our heads revealing a girl as the same age as f/n. She was beautiful with waist length h/c hair. She had lively sparkling e/c eyes. She wore a long sleeved blouse and a long skirt just like f/n but with lighter color. She went silent and made a cute face of disbelief. Our eyes met, she blushed and turned her gaze back to her friend. I felt my parents in law grinned at me and Thranduil nudged me at my side in a teasing manner. I felt my face heat up and elbowed Thranduil in the side. Earning chuckles from my four companions. F/n clapped and we turned back our attention to them. She placed a hand on her friend's shoulder and nodded. The h/c girl looked at us nervously.

"Uh- *clears throat* hi.. my name is Y/n.. It's a pleasure to meet you your majesties.." She bowed and f/n giggled.

"Please do call us by our names, little ones. I suppose you know already our names through f/n.." Galadriel smiled warmly making Y/n smiled back not nervous anymore. I wish I could make her feel like that. I saw Galadriel looked at me, she had read my mind. *sigh* I think...

I think I'm in love again.

Part 2 will be published soon! I hope you guys enjoyed this book! I'm so sorry that I hadn't published lately.
I'm really busy at school.
I'll update as soon as possible.

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