"Look...if it makes you feel better, I...." Natalya looked at them. "I'vegoneonadatebefore."

"What?" Logan asked, scrunching his face.

She groaned. "I'vegoneonadatebefore."

"Okay. Can you please slow down a bit?" Joseph asked from beside her. Even I was curious about this right now.

Ace was also in front of her, literally cupping his ear with both of his hands, in front of her mouth. Charlotte rolled her eyes and pushed him away. He cursed looking at her.

Natalya took a deep breath again. "I've kinda went on a date before. So it was not my first date." She spoke loud enough for all of us to hear. My eyes widened.

I wasn't fucking expecting that.

Joseph, drinking water, spat out. "You have?!"

"You have?!" The girls asked.

Natalya covered her face with her palms. And nodded her head. But then shook it.

"Okay what are you trying to say? Have you gone or have you not?" Isaac asked, looking confused.

"I don't know. I don't think it was a date. But at the end I think it was." She peaked from behind her fingers looking at the girls. They all were confused.

"So you're trying to say that you went with some guy but you didn't know if it was a date or not?" Charli asked, slowly.

Natalya nodded her head. "But how?" Elo asked, looking at her.

I groaned. "Can we please stop about this fucking date? And lets focus on why the fuck do you even let her go with Nick in the first place?"

I don't want to know about her first maybe-date. This one was enough for me.

"Yeah, don't you know how much of an asshole he is." Joseph looked over the girls.

"I can expect this from Elo but Charli, you were supposed to have a little more brain then her." Logan rolled his eyes.

The girls were just looking down. I could tell they were ashamed. Who wouldn't though after sending their friend even after knowing what a sick bastard that guy is?

"She was new in town and didn't know abou----"

"Alright thats it! You cannot just blame them. I was involved in this as much as they were. Oh wait, you guys were to be blame as well. Especially you!" Natalya pointed her finger at me, narrowing her eyes.

"Me?" I asked. She nodded her head. I crossed my arms and cocked a brow. "How?"

"If.....if it wasn't for you to say that I cannot go on a date with anyone, they wouldn't have even come up with this bet. So you're the one to blame. You started this whole think." She said in one breath, all the while glaring at me. I matched her glare.

"I agree!" Ace raised his hands. I rolled my eyes.

"Can you guys at least fucking act mature for once and leave it. Its all done. No one can do anything about it." Isaac spoke, looking least bit interested.

"That's why he's my favorite!" Natalya smiled at him. Who shook his head but you could detect a smile on his face as well. Eleanor was looking between them, as if she was missing something.

"Hey! What about me?" Twins and Ace asked simultaneously.

"Break should be over by now." She said standing up from the ground, changing the subject, smoothly.

"Honey, break's over almost fifteen minutes before." Logan said, tugging her between them. Again. She yelped before settling down.

"Really?!" Charli asked.

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