39: Disaster

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Vaish was giving Abhay his final lessons. Not lessons but just some points to impress her parents.

"So punctuality is a big factor, so be there on time. Table manners will flatter my mom. Talk about technology with my brother and as for my dad, don't speak to him unless asked to." Vaish said for the umpteenth time and Abhay nervously nodded.

"Last but not the least, don't be too nervous. Be confident, be yourself and rest everything will fall on its place."

"I will try my best fireball." He said and she kissed him on his cheeks and wiped off the imaginary dust on his suit.

"I told you that you look so handsome, right? My mom will be totally flattered!" Vaish said in an attempt to joke and also to lighten the atmosphere and Abhay laughed, genuinely.

"It's good thing to impress my mother in law!" He said and winked to which she just smiled.

"Now go. Shenu and Rehan have already left. You too go. I will message my family that I can't come because of an urgent meeting. Good bye and all the best." Vaish said and Abhay gave a final node before leaving.


Abhay reached the hotel on time. He messaged his friends who were in the dining area waiting for Vaish's parents. Her parents have checked in the hotel and were coming to the dining hall in ten minutes.

He was about to enter the elevator when he heard the chaos and saw a young manager talking harshly to an old lady. The lady was hotel staff member and she was literally begging to that manager but he was talking to her harshly.

Now Abhay Singh wasn't the man who will stand by and watch an old lady crying at someone else's mercy, so he turned around and went near the lady who was now wiping her tears as the manager has gone.

He offered her his tissue and she wiped her tears and thanked him. He then asked one of the staff to being him a water bottle and made her sit in the waiting area and offered her a water bottle.

The lady, who was like his grandma, drank the water and blessed him. After a few minutes she finally calmed down, he finally turned towards her and took her hands in his and asked, "What happened Aunty?"

The lady looked at him for a second. She was feeling weak and needed to talk to someone, to share her worries with someone and Abhay seemed the perfect candidate.

"I have worked in this hotel from past thirty years. All my life I have given my time to this hotel. I have been very careful regarding my duties and the older manager here was really respectful towards me. After he retired this young man came and wasn't respectful towards any of us but I didn't quit unlike others.

Now I'm having a family emergency and need money, so I was working overtime. I was working ten hours extra after my normal shift, from past one month. Today was the salary day and when I asked him for extra pay he said that I wasn't doing my biometric for the overtime, so there is no record for my work and I'm not eligible to get extra money.

Son, you only tell me is it fair, that old people like us who aren't familiar with this technology are being deprived of our rights? You can ask any of my working staff, they will tell you about my extra work but none of them will open their mouth in front of senior manager as they can't disrespect their immediate boss and make an enemy out of him! I feel so helpless right now." She completed her story and her eyes watered one more time.

Abhay clenched his feet to control his anger at the behaviour of that manager. This woman was telling truth, he could see her honesty in her eyes and also he can't forget the smug look on that manager's face. He wanted to help this lady.

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