21. Realizing Her Efforts

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Surprise  (;

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Abhay felt something was wrong the moment he entered the place.

The place was quiet. Unusually quiet.

Too quiet for a restaurant.

He thought he was at wrong place but soon the lights came out and he saw all his close friends coming out and wishing him happy birthday.

He was shocked.

Happily shocked.

He was happy that moment. For it was the first time someone did something like that for him.

His aunt once organised a party for him but it had all the investors and clients and so he said No to any party after that.

That was eight years ago.

But today he was seeing familiar faces, the aura here was inviting and he could feel excitement and happiness in the atmosphere.

He saw his best friend standing there along with Sanaa.

Rehan came forward and hugged him, followed by Sanaa and his other friends.

He was meeting others alongside with Sanaa and Rehan.

"Abhay, here take your mask. It's a masquerade and it will be good if you mingled with the party." Sanaa said and Abhay wore the mask.

"The idea of masquerade is awesome Shenu! I love it and all the arrangements. Thanks for doing this for me." Abhay said in a sincere voice and Sanaa's expression changed.

"I was glad to help ." She said and Abhay looked at her confused for she said she helped and not plan the party.

He looked at Rehan but even he didn't say anything.

He was about to ask something but was pulled in a big hug by a heavily pregnant Rabiya, Rehan's elder sister who loved him equally as well as was his partner in crime.

"Happy Birthday Abhay! May God give you all happiness and success." She said and Abhay hugged her back fondly.

She was followed by Armaan; her husband and their five year old son Arhan.

Both of them wished him and Abhay was holding Arhan in his hands.

Finally he met Rehan's mother  Rehmat Aunty who was like a mother figure to him.

He handed Arhan to Rehan and took Rehmat's blessings. She hugged him and for a second he felt like it was his mother hugging him. She had almost the same warmth and comfort as his mother.

"Happy Birthday son. Have a happy and healthy life ahead." Rehmat said and he ended the hug but didn't miss and the warmth and concern in her voice.

And Abhay needed it now more than ever. For even if he was in his birthday party full of friends; two important persons were missing.

His aunt.


His Fireball.

About his aunt he knew that he needs to give her time but his Fireball. Well he messed up badly with her.

He was missing her.

All his close friends were in the party...

Suddenly his eyes opened.

If everyone is here in the party then his Fireball must be here too.

He looked at Rehan and questioned him, "Everyone I know is here in the party?"

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