35. The Talk

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"Since when?" Vaish asked her first question.

She wanted to know since when he was playing this game with her and with the way his face lost its colour she was sure that she wasn't going to like the answer.

"Listen Fireball... I..." He tried to defend himself but Vaish just shook her head.

"I want honest answers Abhay Singh. At least now be honest. After all the mess that is created... don't you think I deserve some honesty?" Vaish asked and Abhay got the first sign of her resignation. She called him by his full name.

He knew that he has to be honest with her now. She was in no mood for nuisance.

"I had the doubt when I saw you for the first time but I became sure of it when I signed the contract."

Vaish suddenly felt the ground beneath her shaking and grabbed the nearest table for support.

First meeting!

The contract!

It was signed three months ago; day after their meeting.

She didn't know what to say about it. He knew from the day one, he recognised her from the first meeting.

How was it even possible for him to recognise her? It was dark that night and she can't see his face then how did he recognise her? They were so drunk!

So she asked him, her next question; "How did you know it was me?"

Abhay looked at her pale face; he could see how this much was affecting her. He could see her shaking and his heart broke at the site, he wanted to do nothing but to run to her and grab her in his arms and pacify her but he knew that he can't do that now. This was the time to be honest.

"I have got a good glimpse of your face while coming out of the church. I was drunk but not completely wasted. I could recognise you anywhere."

Vaish closed her eyes trying to grasp reality but each word coming out of his mouth was making it difficult to even breathe.

He knew her.

He remembered her.

He recognised her.

Still he kept quiet for three months.

She asked the last question she wanted to ask, although she had a tad bit idea of what the answer will be.

"Why? Why did you stay quiet for all the three months? Why didn't you confront me till now? And why you did it today of all days, in front of so many people?" She asked and Abhay sighed knowing well that whatever explanation he gives won't be sufficient but he will still try.

"I... I was afraid of commitments. The idea of marriage freaked me out. It never came across my mind that I will marry someone and when I woke up remembering the marriage; the thought scared the shit out of me. I was not looking forward for that kind of commitment in my life. My mission was to get a professional stability and so I decided to pretend that it never happened and thought to keep it as a secret.

When I saw you for the first time, I felt as if I know you very well. Then as I signed the contract with you, your words, your mannerism, all made me sure of my doubt that you are Mrs. Stranger. But I kept quiet because I was not ready for it, and I didn't have any proof about it.

I admit that a part of me wanted to know you first and see if we could even have the possibility of being together. Then as we started working, getting to know each other; it all stopped mattering.

Planned To Be Together ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang