26. Acceptance

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Vaishali Khanna is in love with Abhay Singh.

Yeah! That's it. That's the reason behind all those things happening with her.

That's why she gets tears for his sadness and weird butterflies in her stomach for his happiness.

Now she was clearer than ever. All the guilt, confusion surrounding her was slowly going away.

She was feeling free as ever and lighter than any other time. From past few days her mind and heart were at battle but the acceptance of this simple fact gave her soul the peace and comfort that she was seeking everywhere.

She will first complete this project which she was now sure that she will win.

Then she will sort out the drunken marriage matter. Mr. Stranger is needed to be found and they must divorce each other in order to free themselves.

Then she will talk to Arjun, calmly and will make him understand that she is not the one he thinks her to be. If he is her friend as he promised, he will understand her.

And then she will tell the truth to Abhay and confess her feelings to him.

Yes, this is what her plan of action is going to be for next month.

She now looked at Abhay and saw the anxiousness in his charcoal black eyes.

God! She is such a fool. In between her realisation she forgot an important task in her list.

To make him fall for her.

Obviously he should be the one to fall on his knees and declare his undying love for her in front of the whole world.

He is so lucky to have a smart, intelligent, successful, awesome as hell girl; in love with himself.

Definitely these are the good deeds of his past birth or his mother's blessing that he is having this golden fortune of having the Vaishali Khanna fall for him.

But he should not get it without working hard.

A date with him sounds an amazing idea but if she agrees so easily than what will her grandchildren think, that grandma fell so easily for their grandpa?

Can she give wrong message to those innocent children? Of course not! She should become an example of female empowerment.

So she has to make him work hard for a date.

Only for you my future grandchildren, my munchkins! She thought and looked at him with confidence in her eyes.

"A date... Hmm... Sounds a nice idea. But why should I come with you? I don't have any reason for that." She said and saw his face falling.

You Idiot! What are you doing? Dumping the opportunity of a romantic date with your future husband just for a story! Her subconscious screamed at her.

She looked at his fallen expression again and thought that he was going to give up.

But she won't let her Abhay fall.

She is planning to become his strength and not weakness and she knows exactly how to motivate him, without directly saying the words.

"What happened, Mr. Developer? Planning to give up so easily? I told you it isn't your cup of tea." She told in a challenging manner and immediately saw the expression on his face changing.

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