28. Rollercoaster

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Abhay Singh was nervous.

That's right. 

Because he said with so much confidence that this will be the best date of her life but if something goes wrong then what will he do?

His Fireball is a beauty and such beauty gets attention wherever she goes.

She must have gone on lot of dates with so many guys. The idea of his Fireball going on date with some other men gave him an uneasy feeling.

He didn't know what that feeling was. Could it be... jealousy? No, he wasn't jealous. Abhay Singh is never jealous. He was just being protective.

Yeah. That's it.

But then his subconscious screamed at him, cursing him to at least tell the truth to himself.

And the truth was that he was indeed jealous or better possessive. Because jealousy means you want something that others have but his Fireball is his, only his; hence he was possessive of her and he can't imagine what he will do if she goes on a date with some other guy in future. He wants her to go on dates with only him.

But what right do you have on her?

Why can't he see her with anyone else?

Why is he feeling jealous towards her?

Again the same questions with no answers.

He will go mad if he keeps on thinking the same things and so he decided to let go of thinking and just enjoy the moment with his Fireball.

"What kind of music do you prefer?" He tried to initiate the conversation.

"Meaningful." She replied and then continued, "It could be old, or new, classical or rocking. It all depends on my mood but it should have some sense. It should have something in it that appeals to me."

He was surprised by her answer because his choice is similar to her. He didn't mind the song or language as long as he finds the song touching his heart.

He then played his favourite playlist and saw her smiling at his choice. He knew that she was happy with his choice.

"So where are we going?" Vaish asked feeling comfortable.

"Somewhere." He replied with a teasing smile.

"You won't murder me. As long as you don't do that I'll be fine." Vaish said.

"I would rather kidnap you and keep you locked forever. You are too entertaining to murder." Abhay played along.

"Oh really! You will kidnap me, then who will bear your dramas ?"

"That won't be a problem. There are so many girls out there, eagerly waiting to get my attention." Abhay casually said and Vaish's smile faltered.

He was right. With a charming personality he has, any girl would happily come to him.

Earlier it was just a fear but now that she knows that she loves him, she can't bear the idea of seeing him with someone else.

And that's what made her worried because she wasn't sure if he loved her back and even if he does, what will be his reaction after knowing the truth. What if he leaves her and decided to move on with some other girl. The thought itself was unbearable to her and she was worried that he could see her insecurity on her face so she turned her face to look outside the window.

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