Chapter 3

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I was just about to cross the road when a face popped up. It seemed strangely familiar...but as much as I tired I couldn't place it. For some reason the face was blurred, strangely undefined. I wanted to reach out. Then I woke up. I was both glad and sad it was just a dream. Glad because what if this weird dream had turned into a nightmare and sad because I'd have loved to see who it was. I was so curious. They say in order for us to dream of people we must have seen them before. So I must have known him from somewhere. But I couldn't place it.

I dragged my butt outta bed. Searched Narnia for some decent clothes and headed to the shower. UMMA! Damn this water is cold. Don't tell me used all the hot water again!? "Yeah I Did, so ?" My mom said as she poked her head around the door. Ahhhh, you always do this. There was nothing I could do though, I needed to hurry or id be late. I hurriedly took my much loved cold shower. Grabbed a slice of toast. Kissed my mom goodbye and ran out. As I reached the bus. I realised ... I should have taken the entire rack of toast....because there is no way 1 slice of toast is going to fill this gigantic tank of a stomach.... of course is never mention this infront of SHINee. But hey if it chases away the unwanted men then by all means.

I managed to grab a seat and took out my earphones, because honestly music is the only thing keeping me sane. Studying is such a drag . I was silently nodding off to a rendition of Sleepless night when I was nudged by a halmoni behind me. "Hagsaeng" she said. I was suddenly wide awake. Crap! Imagine I'd slept throughout the bus ride. I'd have missed school.

The bus finally reached and I thanked the halmoni for waking me as I got off. Of course the bus didn't stop at the doorstep of the university. I still had ...lets say ...about 2 km of walking to do too. Better motor was all I thought as I sped up the hill.

It was 2 pm. I had chemistry next, I absolutely loved chemistry, and it didn't help that the T.A actually looked as if he could model for some high end Company. Few ever came close to making me swoon ...except for SHINee of course. But even so .. I didn't have any romantic feelings for this T.A ... yeah he was pathetically good looking but next to Key hed looked like an ordinary guy.

It was break... I was just about to leave the cafeteria when Yoona showed up, "Hey you vixen" said Yoona as she took my arm. She had this bad habit of calling me this because key was often said to look like a fox ... honestly a fox wishes it looked anything close to Key but anyway. "SO I've got news... pretty big news actually" said Yoona as we sat down under a tree. News? What news ? This isn't news about your love life is it? Because I doubt that would classify as news. "You're always such a prude" I received a shove. "And no it's not about my non-existent love life, I overheard this from some Exo-Ls as I was on my way to you, apparently one of the groups is having their concert tour sometime next month, three guesses who... because as far as I know there's only one group with a killer dancing maknae " explained Yoona. TAEMIN!!!! We all knew this for a fact .dancing maknae ? Without a doubt ... SHINee!!!!!!! TOUR!!!!! WWWOOOOOOOOWWWWW ! I was practically screaming ...just one problem .. where the heck would I get the money to attend ?

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