Chapter 7

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"Taemin did you knock her unconscious?" Asked the first voice. "Why's it always me?" Questioned Taemin. "It's not that it's always you it's just that....well it is kinda always you" said another voice. "Okay let's stop bullying Taemin" said another voice.

I heard these voices for what seemed to be a very long time, I was too afraid to open my eyes. I recall Taemin opening the door and seeing the 4 people I was most anxious to meet (having already met Taemin in my ...errr situation). Someone poked my arm. "She's not dead is she ?" "You're such an idiot" this was followed by what I knew for a fact was a flick to the head. I know because I often do it to Yoona, hehehe, I slowly starting regaining some feeling throughout my body, my body has this nasty habit of going numb whenever I fainted. Not that i fainted often ... okay this is a lie... I've fainted a couple of times, once when I won free chicken (I mean who doesn't love free chicken was the first time is won something in my entire life btw), once when caught a close friend making out with my boyfriend (She's an ex friend now and well he's butt got dumped) and a third time when one of my favourite voice actors replied to my Insta live comment. It often happened when is either get too excited or incredibly surprised, and it's now happened twice... in one day! All because of SHINee.

I could move my head now, weird I know, my neck gets feeling before the rest. I turned my head to the right and opened my eyes. Almost died as I got a faceful of minho staring straight at me, ladies just some info on minho, having just seen him, he's incredibly and I mean ...INCREDIBLY, handsome, like the guy is just ...gosh, words aren't enough, like he'd give Apollo a run for his money, chiseled face, that sharp yet gentle jawline, his soft looking lips, he's deep double eyelids....and I mean I'm not even Minho biased but ... The guy is just plain sexy. I turned to the left. I swear my soul left my body and went straight to heaven, it was him... My baby, my bubby, my booboo, my foxy, Key, I swear I almost cried, he's just perfect, in every aspect, his high forehead, he's fierce looking dark eyes, he's incredibly rugged eyebrow scar, he's cheekbones, he's flawless skin (Must remember to ask him what he uses), he's puckered lips (he was pouting at the time), Ummaaaaaa he was dazzling, it's like looking at an angel. I was just about to close my eyes so I could pretend I hadn't woken up when I felt a tap on my shoulder from someone sitting infront of me, I swear that touch woke my entire body up, I had feeling all over, I looked up to see who it was and oh my God, Onew, Onewwwwwwww, he had such a goofy smile on his face, he had the sweetest most cheerful eyes, honestly I could barely see his eyes as they practically vanished when he smiled, when he saw me looking he smiled even more, revealing his adorable overbite, he truly radiated happiness, he is pure sunshine, I sat up, in the process someone who'd been sitting on the floor, resting against my leg and key's, toppled sideways, my God I was so embarrassed, both for myself for being an idiot and not looking and both for whoever it was, I looked down to see it was Jonghyun, if you think I'm going to describe him nicely...think again..he was absolutely..not in the slightest bit... dangerously sexy, he didn't have the sharpest cheekbones or the most striking jaw, or the nicest most alluring eyes, he had none of those, (wink). He made my skin crawl..i can't place the feeling but for some reason I just feel all weird whenever I see him and to see him in person just made matters worse, we locked eyes for a moment and I could swear he had this look of recognition on his face, but it quickly faded as he looked away. 

I opened my mouth to utter my first words to my ultimate group, "So.... You're SHINee". Then I smiled like a goof as they all broke down laughing.

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