Conflicted ~ Cheater! Bakugou x reader x Midoriya

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Sorry this took so long I wasn't able to write for a while.

This goes out to: *drumroll* @AoiNanase18 

Hope you guys enjoy this!

PS: your quirk is called chain summon. This means you can summon chains at will and control them. However, if a chain breaks you feel pain in the arm that it was attached to.

You can also summon chains  with very sharp edges to slice through opponents, but only for 20 seconds. (This quirk was created by another Wattpad user so if you are reading this please take credit bc idk how to spell your username)


You were running. Running from everything. Running from people, friends...... life. Why? One person.


Why? Because that sorry excuse for a boyfriend thought he could get sneaky and hook up with someone else.

Who exactly? Ochako Uraraka, one of your so called best friends.

For how long? Three freaking months.

You were done with him. 

That's why you were running home, after trying to surprise Bakugou with a visit from his girlfriend/boyfriend (well, ex-girlfriend/boyfriend now). You found him on the couch making out with Ochako, and didn't even try to apologize! He just stared at you for the longest time, with a baffled expression, his eyes filled with shock and guilt.

When you reached your house you went straight to your room to vent to your other best friend, Deku, over the phone.

"HE DIDN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING! HE JUST STARED AT ME WHILE I STARTED CRYING! HONESTLY, WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?!?!" You shout, making your mom/dad/guardian yell at you to be quieter.

"W-Well Y/n-Chan, I honestly think you should move on. You're too good for him and besides, he can be a total jerk sometimes, which in my opinion is a bad trait to have." Deku says, trying to calm you down. You hate to admit it, but it worked.

"It's like what the vine said. If he does't treat you right by now, your done."

"I'm done!" You start to smile.


"Language!" You say, bursting into fits of laughter. Deku always knew how to make you smile.

"So. Feeling any better?"

"A little. Thanks Izuku. For always being there for me." You grinned and you know he's smiling back at you, even though you're on the phone with him.

"Anything for my favorite person on the planet! Oh! I have to go, I'll see ya at school, ok?"

You said goodbye and hung up, feeling much better. You get ready for bed and go to sleep.


You woke up feeling refreshed, but then the memories of yesterday came crashing down on you and totally ruined your mood. You got ready for school and made some cereal (just pretend you didn't put in milk if you're lactose intolerant) as you watched the TV, listening to the droning on about how another villain was attacking. Something about a blonde haired boy with an explosive quirk being possessed by it, blah blah blah.

Wait. Blonde haired boy?!? Explosives???!?!!!! There must be a coincidence. How could it possibly-

"KACCHAN!" Deku yelled, your face going paler than normal. He ran towards the  monster and started to 'fight' it. 

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