Todoroki Natsuo

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this was completely self-indulgent, but i had a really fun time writing it ^^ even though Natsuo hasn't been fleshed out in the anime yet, there are no manga spoilers in this story besides his existence, but he appeared in the anime for like one second so i guess not really, right? i want to write a part two to this story, but if you guys like this oneshot, let me know, and i'll write it faster lol. remember, requests are always open, just comment or dm me you know the drill. anyways, this has been a long author's note, so i'll leave you to the story <3

I ran through the campus, my hair fluttering behind me along with some of my papers that didn't matter at the moment. "Oh god, I'm gonna be late! I can't let myself be late!" Speeding up my pace, I threw caution to the wind, no longer worrying about dropping my stuff or tripping over my own feet. 

Somehow, I managed to keep my natural clumsiness in check, arriving to my class just before it started. I glanced around the lecture hall, seeing that most of the seats were already taken and of course nobody that I knew was there. With a quiet sigh, I sucked up my nerves and chose one of the only open seats that was next to the person that I deemed as the most approachable within the span of about five seconds.

"This seat taken?" My voice was barely above a whisper as I pointed to the chair, instantly grabbing the attention of the white haired male. "Not at all! Please, sit down!" He responded with an unexpected cheer, his smile so bright that it was almost blinding. Relief flooded through me as I pulled the chair out, grinning back at him. "Looks like I made the right choice..."

Class began shortly after, not even giving me enough time to catch his name. As expected it was excruciatingly boring, the only thing keeping me from falling asleep was the pair of eyes that I kept feeling on me. Every once in a while throughout the lecture, the guy next to me to me would steal a quick glance, his eyes only flittering over for a second. It was still enough to make me feel self conscious, though, as my pencil scratched against my paper.

By the end of the lecture, his pencil had stopped completely and his eyes were trained on me with a small smile on his face. I let out a small breath, shaking my hand that was tired from writing so furiously. My face was warm when I turned to meet his gaze, his stunning grey eyes piercing through mine. The subtle grin on his face accented his naturally handsome features perfectly, his pure white hair bringing out the intensity of his irises. 


At my small mumble, his eyes widened and his face went slightly red. "Oh, sorry! I was staring, wasn't I?" He laughed bashfully, scratching the back of his head. "I was just thinking about how... How I really wanted to know your name." His gaze matched mine again, his eyes surprisingly soft. 

I could practically feel the blush claiming territory over my cheeks and ears as I furiously tried to calm myself on the inside. "L/n Y/n..." I was able to retain enough composure to mumble my name which only made the boy smile more. "Nice to officially meet you," He stuck out a large hand, inviting me to take it. "I'm Todoroki Natsuo!"

"Please, if there's any deity that's willing to listen to me, please let my hands not be sweaty..." After mimicking something of a prayer in my mind, I shook his hand back, really glad that I had picked this seat.

The next day, I got to class a little early, feeling slightly excited. I kept trying to convince myself that it was just because I wasn't late again, but I wasn't fooling anybody; I really just wanted to see Todoroki again. "Don't be surprised if he's not there, Y/n. You're like fifteen whole minutes early. If anything he's gonna think that you're a weirdo! Who the fuck gets to class this early?!" Just before I reached the classroom, my reflection shone back in a polished window. "Oh, me. I do."

"Oi, L/n-san!" Someone called out to me and I whipped around to see Todoroki sprinting in my direction. "You can slow down, we're super early-"

"I'm gonna beat you to class!" He sprinted past me, the wind from his speed ruffling the loose edges of my clothes and papers. "Wha?! No way!" I jumped into action, running with all my might to catch up to him. As I ran, I got a view of his broad shoulders that made themselves visible through his jacket. The hem of his jacket flapped as he ran, ending right above his... My eyes went wide as my whole body began to heat up from my dirty thoughts.

"Stop brain, please stop it! I SAID STOP!" 

As my fantasies powered on, I lost focus and tripped over nothing but air, which was, unfortunately, a very common occurrence in my life. "Whoa!" I pitched forward, my stuff flying out of my hands like a typical scene from a slice-of-life anime. Before I could collide with the ground though, a pair of strong arms caught me, my face now against a muscular chest.

"You okay, L/n-san?" I glanced up to see a big pair of grey eyes staring back at me, filled with concern. "Okay, where's my theme song, because if this isn't cliche romance anime then I don't know what is! It still counts even though this is college and not high school, right?" 

As thoughts swirled around in my head, I ended up just staring back at him for a second, before realizing that he had asked me a question. "Oh, uh, yeah! I'm good. Stuff like this happens to me all the time!" Laughing nervously, I averted my eyes because I couldn't take his gaze any longer. "I feel like those eyes see right through me..."

His hand shifted, moving from my back up to my cheek, which didn't help calm my pounding heart in any way, shape or form. His fingers softly caressed my face before tucking a stray lock of hair behind my ear. Todoroki kept looking at me, his gaze soft even though it made me feel like I was melting away. I was locked in his arms, my stuff littering the empty hallway as I was trapped in by his eyes. 

Todoroki gasped, the sudden sound making me flinch. "I was staring again!" With a groan, he let go of me, bringing a palm to his face. The action made me giggle as I began to pick up all the things that I had dropped, Todoroki quickly helping. "Thanks," He handed me some of my papers that had fallen out of my notebook, and when I went to grab them, I felt out hands brush against one another. 

My stomach dropped against my will as I quickly took them, stuffing them back into my book. "Crap, another cliche moment! Why do I like this kinda stuff?!" 

A few weeks when by after that and the two of us began to settle into a routine. Meet up early before class, sit in the same seats next to one another, and then text or call later that day. It was nice getting to know him, but I had caught onto one thing. Everyday, at least once, I'd catch him staring at me. Not in a perverted way, simply gazing at my face with the same sweet smile. 

As I scribbled down the professors words yet again, I felt a familiar sensation. Sure enough, Todoroki's pencil had stopped moving as he looked at me with his head resting on his hand. "Todoroki-kun, you're gonna miss stuff..." I whispered, knowing that if I didn't say anything then he would ask me for the notes later that night, just like he always did. 

"Ah! Sorry!" He slapped his palms against his cheeks, going back to taking the notes in his messy scrawl that I had grown to understand. 

I closed my notebook with finesse as Todoroki sighed, slumping down on his desk. "That was worse than usual..." he mumbled into his arms, only one grey iris poking out. I playfully flicked his head, my fingers brushing against his spiky white hair for only a second. "Maybe that's because you actually paid attention for the whole lesson."

"I can't help it!" Todoroki chuckled, lifting his head to make full eye contact with me this time. "I have a bad habit of staring at things that I find beautiful."

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