Toyomitsu Taishiro

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i've been waiting for someone to request him. i honestly love fatgum so much, so i'm beyond excited to write this. hope this story is just as fun to read as it was to write!              <3 peachy

I heard the door close followed by a soft sigh. I was in the kitchen, preparing dinner when my boyfriend, Toyomitsu Taishiro, walked in to our apartment. I could already tell that he had a rough day at the agency, simply by listening to the way he sighed on his way in. "Babe? You okay?" I walked out of the kitchen toward where he was.

Taishiro was taking off his boots, his body slim and muscular unlike his puffy hero form. When he noticed me, he shot me a sweet smile from the ground. "Hey sweetie!" As always, he put on a brave face, but I could tell that he was tired. I slid down to the floor and sat next to him, threading my fingers through his.

"C'mon Fat. Just tell me what's wrong." I leaned my head against his shoulder and looked up at his handsome face. He let out a sigh, laying his head on top of mine. His light blonde hair tickled my forehead as we cuddled; it was a nice feeling to be honest.

I could still smell the day on him; hints of smoke and sweat from a long day of being a hero. "Y/n I... Is something burning?" Before he could finish, his head perked up.

"AHH!!! DINNER!!!" I jumped up, realizing that the smoke I had smelled was not from him, but from the food that I had been cooking. I sprinted out of Taishiro's arms and into the kitchen, my rice dish completely black in the pan. "Aw shit..." I moaned, scraping the blackened remains into the trash can.

"Is everything okay Y/n?!" Taishiro came running in, watching me scowl at the smoking pan. "No..." I pouted, crossing my arms. "I burned everything! And it was even that special rice that you like! You know, with the bean sprouts and the shrimp! I'm sorry Fat..."

"Don't be sorry. It was sweet of you to do that for me." Taishiro wrapped his arms around me, pulling me away from the sink and turning me so that we were face to face. "Guess that means we'll have to get takeout!"

"At least pretend to be sad." I punched his chest lightly, giggling softly. He joined in, his deep chuckles easily one of my favorite sounds. Reaching up, I gently pulled off the black mask that he always wore and gave him a tender kiss in the nose. "I'll order the Chinese, you just go and get cleaned up." I pushed him away playfully.

Taishiro threw his hands over his heart in an animated look of pain. "How am I supposed to just leave you?" I rolled my eyes and threw his mask at him. "Just go!" I picked up my phone and placed out order, making sure to get extra fortune cookies. Why? Because they are the all knowing cookie.

I grabbed some pillows and blankets, throwing the around the couch and coffee table so that our living room had been turned into a plush paradise. After that, I walked into our bedroom to change into my pajamas. Stripping down to just my panties, I rifled through my dresser to find my sleep shirt. "Where is it?!"

"Where is what?"

"You know, that one shirt that-" I stopped talking when a felt a hand on my waist, realizing that another voice had spoken in the room. "That one shirt that what?" Taishiro put his head on top of mine, peering down at the dresser. I immediately covered up my chest with my arms, trying to hide as much as possible. "FAT DON'T LOOK AT ME!!!" I kicked his shin which only made him laugh heartily.

Still, he complied, turning around and putting his hands over his eyes. "What?! You look so pretty though..." He looked back over, making wide gaps to see through his fingers. I had my back to him, my face burning. "You know Y/n, those are really cute panties."


"Okay, okay sorry! I won't say anything else except that the view is really good from here." I heard him sit down on the bed, his eyes still trained on me. I didn't feel uncomfortable, I was just really embarrassed and reasonably so. My face burned as I frantically searched for my shirt to no avail. Finally, I got tired of looking for it and simply grabbed a bralette to put on so that I could face Taishiro with a bit of decency.

He patiently waited as I put it on, the soft and lacy structure actually comfortable. I turned to face him once it was secure and I felt my face heat up. He wasn't wearing anything different from normal; a baggy t-shirt that advertised a ramen brand that he liked and a pair of black shorts. His hair was still damp, messily pushed back to keep the unruly strands out of his eyes. Eyes that were focused on me with excitement, drinking in my physique.

"Please tell me that you're just gonna wear that." He bluntly admitted his thoughts and it only made me blush harder. "NO!" Practically throwing a temper-tantrum at this point, I squatted down to open his own drawer and pulled out one of his shirts. I threw it over my head, wearing the whole thing like a dress. "This is mine now!" Sticking my tongue out at him, I stormed out of the room with puffed cheeks.

"Aww Y/n, that's one of my favorite shirts!" It was another tee that advertised food, but this was a restaurant that specialized in takoyaki. "I don't care!" Stamping my foot childishly against the floor, I crossed my arms as he came after me, who was pouting in the living room. "Don't be mad at me Y/n!" Taishiro wrapped me up in arms and rocked us back and forth while I stayed stiff.

"Hmph!" I refused to speak or giggle or even look at him. "Okay Y/n, you can keep that one. I love you more than any shirt." He buried his face in my neck, nuzzling my skin with his nose. That was too much for me. I giggled and nipped at his ear. "Oh, is someone ready to play?"

Taishiro scooped me up into his arms, bringing our faces dangerously close together. But before our lips touched, the doorbell rang. "DAMN YOU!" I cursed while Fat just laughed and set me down, going to deal with the food.

"Okay, now where were we?" I watched him casually set the bag down on the coffee table without a second glace, his eyes completely focused on me. I let him pick me off the ground, my arms wrapped tightly around his neck. He wasted no time pressing his lips against mine and I willingly complied.

When I broke away to take a breath, he moved down my jawline, gently kissing and nipping at my neck. I shivered with pleasure, squirming a bit as jolts of energy surged through my body. "Taishiro..."

"Yes my dear?" His words were right against my ear when he spoke, softly laying me down on the couch. "Aren't you hungry?" My eyes wandered over the the plastic take-out bag, surprised that he could resist the thought of food for that long. He leaned over me, his hands on either side of me. "Yeah..."


"Oh." He chuckled bashfully while I covered my red face. "Well, Y/n, you should know that I love you more than any food. Than anything else really." He pulled my hands away and rubbed his nose against my forehead. "Plus, you're tastier too."

I had no words, my face burning at his bluntness once again while he laughed at my cute response, letting our take-out get cold in the bag.

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